雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. www.jnto.go.jp › news › 20230622_fujitozan_enSTOP! Bullet Climbing

    STOP! “Bullet Climbing” Bullet Climbing, or dangan tozan, means to climb throughout the night without taking sufficient rest at mountain huts. It is quite dangerous. Because the altitude is high, there is the possibility of altitude sickness. Climbers who have not

  2. Japan Official Travel App” is the official smartphone app provided by JNTO, delivering up-to-date information about traveling in Japan for a safe and comfortable journey. Thank you for using "Japan Official Travel App". Our App services are no longer available via the ...

  3. 今次採訪需要使用到電腦,為了使作業變得更輕鬆,所以同時使用了SIM Card及wi-fi蛋,明天將會在高山嘗試它們的上網速度。 值得一讚的是在租借wi-fi蛋時,店員態度非常之好,而且能操良好英語,細心教我如何設定及使用。 另外,日本正在進行「Smart Journey in JAPAN」活動,活動期間對購買SIM Card或租用Wi-Fi蛋人士贈送吸油面紙一包。 (數量有限,先到先得。 活動期間:21-12-2015~21-2-2016. Photo . 【日本輕鬆上網系列 I 】 日本主要城市的機場內都設有SIM Card販賣機,只要購買後把SIM Card放入自己的手機再進行設定,便可以在日本自由上網。

  4. I injured myself. I was in a tra˜c accident. I fell down. I bumped against something. I fell. I cut myself. I pricked myself. I burned myself. I was stung/bitten by an insect. I have vaginal bleeding. I am leaking water. There is blood in my urine. I have di˜culty urinating.

  5. Encountering an eruption. Immediate need to relocate to a safe area. Immediately take appropriate actions in order to ensure one's safety. Wear a helmet to protect your head and quickly distance yourself from the crater. Cover your mouth with a towel in order to prevent volcanic ash or volcanic gas inhalation.

  6. 5 【参考1】『キャプテン翼』について 『キャプテン翼』とは、南葛小に転入してきた天才サッカー少年・ 大空翼が若林源三、日向小次郎ら全国のライバルたちとの戦いの 中で、1人のサッカープレイヤーとして成長していく姿を描いた作品

  7. 独立行政法人 国際観光振興機構 〒160 -0004 東京都新宿区四谷164 TEL: 03-5369-3342 FAX: 03-3350-5200 URL: https://www.jnto.go.jp 2024年3月29日(金)日本時間17:00まで: キャンセル料は発生しません。 2024年3月29日(金)日本時間17:00以降: 参加費用全額