雅虎香港 搜尋

  1. Macau Ferry 相關



  1. 2024年9月1日 · Hong Kong Macau Ferry Terminal is located at Shun Tak Centre in Sheung Wan with extensive transportation network. It was connected with MTR Shueng Wan Station and also easily accessed by bus, minibus and taxi. Operated by Shun Tak-China Travel, TurboJET provides high speed ferry services between Hong Kong, Macau and Shenzhen Fu Yong.

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      Operated by Shun Tak-China Travel, TurboJET provides ...

  2. 0 小童. 0 长者. 立即購票. 更快直達金光大道,盡享無限精彩. 船期表及票价. 查詢往返港澳航線,掌握最新航班改動. 查看詳情. 賞飛澳門— 免費船票優惠. 澳門旅遊局與金光渡輪有限公司(金光飛航)合作,為到訪香港的國際旅客*提供「免費船票」優惠。 查看詳情. 金光飛航電子購票優惠. 優惠期:即日至10月31日. 查看詳情. 金沙環保360 碳中和計劃. 如欲支持此計畫,請到金光飛航香港及澳門碼頭票務櫃檯辦理. 查看詳情. 金光飛航提供往來香港與澳門之間的豪華高速渡輪服務,主要航線為香港港澳碼頭來往澳門氹仔客運碼頭,金光飛航亦提供直航船來往香港國際機場及九龍中國客運碼頭,是旅客輕鬆前往這兩個亞洲旅遊勝地的不二之選。

  3. 有關需收費的自攜行李(單車和高爾夫球球包),詳情請參閱(常見問題)https://hk.cotaiwaterjet.com/our-ferries/faq.html 有關更多條款,請參閱https://hk.cotaiwaterjet.com/terms-n-conditions.html

  4. www.turbojet.com.hk › tc › routing-sailing-schedule噴射飛航 - TurboJET

    . 信德中旅營運之噴射飛航提供高速客輪服務往返香港、澳門及深圳福永碼頭,為往來珠三角地區旅遊公幹人士提供方便的海上交通選擇.

  5. Ferry services between Hong Kong and Macau. See Details. Fly You to Macao - Free Ferry Tickets Offer. Macao Government Tourism Office partners with Cotai Water Jet to launch the special offer of free ferry from Hong Kong to Macao for international visitors* who arrive in Hong Kong. See Details. Cotai Water Jet Digital Platform Special Offer.

  6. www.turbojet.com.hk › enTurboJET

    Operated by Shun Tak-China Travel, TurboJET provides high speed ferry services between Hong Kong, Macau and Shenzhen Fu Yong

  7. Taking a ferry is by far the most popular way to travel between Hong Kong and Macau, and one of the most convenient ways to travel between Hong Kong and certain parts of China. This article gives you the relevant information for planning your trip.

  1. Macau Ferry 相關

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