雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. 2018年7月4日 · Japanese digital art collective teamLab, in collaboration with local urban landscape developer Mori Building Co. Ltd., has unveiled their awe-inspiring permanent digital art museum on June 21, 2018. The amazing light displays are housed in their very own building, spread out over two floors in a huge space in Tokyo’s Odaiba district. https ...

  2. 忍者是日本特有的一種職業,簡單來說就是在古代日本受過特殊機構施以特殊「忍術訓練」的特戰殺手、特戰間諜。 僅僅從「忍者」這一稱呼上是不是腦中瞬間多了很多帥氣的畫面呢? 究竟真正的忍者是怎樣的一群人呢? 他們的身上藏著什麼樣的秘密呢? 走進忍者的神秘世界窺探其中奧秘吧! 秘密一:忍者名稱的起源. 據說在日本首次派遣忍者完成任務的是聖德太子,當時的忍者普遍被稱為「忍 (日語發音: shinobi )」。

  3. 2017年7月10日 · In that instant, she became entranced by her own reflection in a bronze mirror that had been prepared for the purpose, and the powerful god Ame-no-Tajikarao pulled her out of the cave (or, alternatively, hefted away the stone that blocked the cave, or blocked the

  4. 2016年8月8日 · Japanese YouTubers and horror fans Prank Pirates recently shared a video of a prank they pulled on fellow videographers who attended an event at YouTube Space Tokyo, wherein they sat them in front of a two-way mirror, under the pretence of giving them a horror movie makeover, only to suddenly kill the lights and have their victims come face-to-f...

  5. 支笏洞爺國家公園鄰近北海道札幌市,園內有許多因火山活動而形成的迷人景觀。. 此公園因火山而成立,為知名人氣景點,園內火山至今仍相當活躍!. 除了破火山口湖、火山之外,還有大大小小溫泉散佈園內。. 這座公園也是遊客最愛造訪的日本國家公園,因 ...

  6. 2022年5月23日 · 江户切子(えどきりこ),前面的“江户”二字指明的是这种工艺出现的时间和地点。. 江户切子最早出现于江户时代(1603年-1868年),它的发源地也是江户——现在的东京。. 而“切子”这个词,在日文里指的是雕花玻璃器皿。. 现在的“江户切子”已经成为了 ...

  7. 2023年6月19日 · Compact, Comfortable, Convenient. In Part 1 of this series, we look at useful concepts that underlie space-efficient Japanese home design. These are not intended to give your home a “Japanese” style, though many of the concepts are rooted in tradition.

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