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  1. 體驗. 終將走上歷史的日本豪華寝台列車? 「Sunrise瀬戸・出雲號」至今人氣不減的秘密! Xiaogui's TRAVEL LIFE 2022年9月20日 更新. 日本列車 日本初體驗. pixta.jp. 除了日本四國的麵包超人列車「アンパンマン列車」、行駛於一之關站到氣仙沼站,與親子共樂的皮卡丘列車「POKÉMON with YOU 列車」、富山的哆啦 A 夢路面電車「ドラえもんトラム」等與卡通聯名合作的特色列車外;呈現度假村風情的「由布院之森」、被票選為日本觀光列車冠軍的四國「伊予灘物語」,以及由黑、黃、金色打造出低調奢華感的甜點列車「或る列車」等結合鐵路沿線風景的特色列車,相信對重度日本旅遊者或是鐵道迷旅客來說肯定一點都不陌生。

  2. 這裡有能體驗美式燒烤、奢華露營體驗特別空間,也能從併設的咖啡廳帶杯飲料到濱海區散步、吹海風,在大都會裡享受戶外活動的樂趣!. (照片提供:田邊 紫). 「DREAM DOOR YOKOHAMA HAMMERHEAD」位於橫濱日清杯麵博物館(合味道紀念館)公園內,距離最近的車站 ...

  3. 2018年7月30日 · Tokyo's Retro Gaming Mecca. Of course, we're going to start in Tokyo's otaku haven—Akihabara (秋葉原), affectionately known as "Akiba." No country embraces video games in the way Japan does, and Akihabara is living proof! As synonymous with gaming and electronics in Japan as Hollywood is with movies in the U.S., this mecca of multi-colored ...

  4. 2017年4月29日 · What is Otoshidama? Kids in Japan are making out like bandits and getting not presents but cold, hard cash on New Year’s Day in the form of otoshidama. On January 1 in Japan, families traditionally get together to talk, laugh, drink, and eat large amounts of food that would give even the most gluttonous Christmas turkey gobbler a run for ...

  5. 東京入夜必訪四大生活圈 | All About Japan. 部分來過日本的人或許會抱怨為什麼店家早早就打烊,但事實上這正反映出夜生活正要悄悄的開始,這一篇我們就要帶大家認識東京的夜生活好去處,包含夜店、營業到隔天早上的居酒屋、熱情狂歡的Live秀,或是可以盡情歡唱的卡拉OK.....,如果您正煩惱東京的夜晚還有什麼地方可以去的話,建議您不妨就先鎖定接下來要介紹的4各地區吧。 銀座. https://www.flickr.com/photos/40781985@N08/31747279230. 如果你要遠離遊客、年輕人或是外派老外,又想過一個特別的純日本式夜生活的話,那就請來銀座吧。

  6. 2018年10月26日 · Aspiring train drivers can fulfill their childhood dreams of announcing, “The doors are closing,” without being the subject of ridicule from friends. A wealth of content is available for customers to broadcast, which includes train lines in all 26 wards of Tokyo.

  7. 2016年3月3日 · The kendama is a wooden toy that consists of a wooden ball, or dama (玉), and a main body, called the ken for its vaguely sword-like shape—though the kanji can be either "sword" (剣) or "fist" (拳), and very often it's simply written in hiragana (けん) to get けん玉. The kendama body has three concave cups of slightly different sizes ...

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