雅虎香港 搜尋

  1. Pos System 相關

  2. 連接會員系統及各大電子支付平台,豐富後台報表,多樣營運促銷,高效自助點餐,便捷顧客等位系統. 餐飲及零售系統,手機點單,管理多個分店亦能輕鬆上手! 一站式安裝及售後服務助您節省成本!

  3. Enable Your Business to Affordably Accept Card Payments from Virtually Anywhere. Learn How. Discover Point-of-Sale Business Solutions to Accept Payments Online or Virtually Anywhere.

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    Connect to QuickBooks data through easy-to-use, bi-directional drivers. Integrate with BI, reporting, analytics, ETL tools, and custom solutions.

  5. We offer full financing solutions to meet the needs of merchants and healthcare providers. We move businesses and customers in one direction: forward.


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