2014年9月3日 · 本人是Nexus 5用户,系统当然是Pure Android KitKat啦(臭谷粉!. 点Down!. 喂喂喂我还没给结论呢). 毕竟是回答问题嘛,先给一个明确的答案:. 否。. (对中国用户而言,Pure Android 并不比 MIUI 或 Flyme 体验更好。. 从下面「 居然比关注数还多」的回答中,就可以看出 ...
2017年12月29日 · If anyone thought scientists were somehow different from ordinary people—nobler, more ethical, more pure—then events over the past two years have been a sharp wake-up call. As with just about any area of human endeavor where men hold the lion’s share of power, the world of science and technology is plagued by sexual harassment.
2008年4月26日 · Senior Member. Italiano - Roma. Jun 18, 2005. #2. Secondo me l' unica differenza è che "pure" si usa soprattutto nella lingua parlata, mentre non è molto comune scritto (io personalmente lo uso moltissimo quando parlo); "anche" è la forma standard. Non mi viene in mente nessuna differenza d' uso.
2005年5月13日 · I think that - in most cases - you can translate abbastanza with enough or quite: Sto abbastanza bene = I'm quite well. Pure is anche (even, too, also), but it's much more used in the South. When it's used in other parts of Italy it's mainly used with a slightly different meaning (as you can't take it anymore).
2021年4月7日 · 1) Parli pure l'italiano= può tranquillamente parlare l'italiano, le è concesso, nessuno glielo impedisce. 2) Finora ha mangiato tutto lei. Ora mangi pure la torta, se le riesce= pure la torta, anche la torta, perfino la torta oltre a tutto quello che già si è ingozzato.
C++程序运行时输出:pure virtual method calledterminate called without an active exceptionAborted ... 在Linux上运行以下程序会报这个错误
2012年3月15日 · I definitely don't say "sher." There may be a regional aspect to this - people from the Midwest and West may be more inclined to "sher" than Easterners. Since the word "pure" has been mentioned as rhyming with "sure," it might be worth noting that some Americans pronounce "pure" as "pyerr" (same vowel sound as "fur" with a "y" sound in front of ...
2022年5月15日 · I wonder if you might be able to tell me why long u sound in the word "sure" sounds like u in the word "wood", but the long u sound in the word "pure" sounds like y in the word "you". English pronunciation is not based on English spelling. English speakers don't pronounces words based on their spelling. The spoken words "pure" and "wood" simply ...