雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. 2016年6月16日 · This fun little tour requires a little more planning as it needs to be booked two days in advance, but it's a bargain at just ¥1,500! Taste foods from all over Japan and experience traveling across the nation in only 90 minutes—without having to brave the rain! Take a ...

  2. 2020年2月5日 · 對北海道熟悉的旅人或許曾聽位於為北邊的稚內,其實在北海道的北邊還有一個叫「宗谷豐富町」,那裡有日本最北的溫泉鄉「豐富溫泉」。估計大家對這一帶大家可能比較陌生,四季分明的氣候和不同面貌的地景風光都相當耐人尋味,然而這裡的交通不算方便,比較適合會開車的朋友,即使不會 ...

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  4. 2021年5月19日 · 当然,在开启梅雨季旅行之前,一定要做好保温措施,带好雨具再出门喔!. 1. 青森县:奥入濑溪流. 奥入濑溪流(おいらせけいりゅう)绵延14公里,可谓是日本东北地区著名的自然景点了。. 被日本认定为特别名胜。. 溪流的源头来自于十和田湖,两者皆隶属 ...

  5. 2022年5月30日 · Rainy Season 101. The rainy season is a period of transition from spring to summer in Japan that typically lasts from early June to mid-July for most of the country. The Japanese word for rainy season is tsuyu, literally “plum rain” (梅雨), as it coincides with the season of plums ripening in Japan.

  6. 2019年6月11日 · 在日语里“傘”“笠”“蓋”都读作“KASA”,因为三种东西本来的用途是类似的。 伞和茶、汉字一样,在飞鸟时代(592年 – 710年)从中国传入日本。 在平安时代的古画中可以看到伞的出现,但是那个时候的伞跟现在的形态不太一样,用途也不是遮雨,而是权威的象征(类似皇帝的华盖)。

  7. 2018年5月25日 · 3. Crash a Club for Free. This one is mostly for the ladies. To lure in women, a number of clubs and concert venues hosting DJs will have free entrance if you go before a certain time (usually early evenings) or on certain days—a few examples being Club Camelot in Shibuya (men entering early and members also get discounts) and Lex Tokyo in ...

  8. 2018年10月25日 · cold.must-reading.info. Rain has the uncanny ability to make people so emotional they create some of the most memorable songs in the history of J-pop music. Here’s our list of Top 5 rainy J-pop songs that'll make you see the silver lining on cloudy days. 5. Yuzu — Ame-nochi-hareruya.