雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. 債務重組,又稱為個人自願安排(Individual Voluntary Arrangement,IVA),當申請人無法按原本債務條款還清債務時,可委託會計師或律師作為代理人,向法院申請債務重組,希望與債權人重新訂立一個新還款計劃,多數是減低原有債務利息、延長還款年期等,使申請人能夠負擔債務。 債務重組適合欠債額超過月薪十多倍且面臨破產人士。 債務舒緩(Debt Relief Planning, DRP),是簡單版債務重組。 與債務重組最大分別是申請人不需經法院申請,只需由銀行或財務公司安排,便可獨立與債權人商量,重新制訂一個雙方接受新還款方案。 方案下,申請人就能更輕鬆處理債務問題,債務舒緩適合欠債額較少人士。 以下總結坊間債務重組及債務舒緩計劃兩者利弊:

  2. 其實,私人貸款產品雖然能助您即時達成財務目標,但同時亦會影響您未來財務計劃,所以判斷「私人貸款邊間好」前,應該將以下因素納入考慮,以選出最合符自己個人需要私人貸款方案。. 1. 還款期. 還款期直接影響每月供款金額。. 還款期愈長 ...

  3. It is more cost-saving than products that calculate interest on a monthly rate basis. Promise also offers products with APR as low as 1.12%. You may also calculate the repayment amount and period using the loan calculator as a reference when you are considering the full cost of borrowing money. 3. Fee.

  4. 4 Tips to Increase Your Chance for Loan Approval If you are facing a major decision, such as studying abroad, moving house or home renovation, a personal loan could be the solution for you. But if the personal loan application is not approved, it will disrupt your ...

  5. 常見問題 - 循環貸款. 若貸款全數清還後,需要再度貸款,是否需要再次申請?. 怎樣辦理?. 怎樣才可提高循環貸款上限?. 若透過24小時會員專線⁄本網站之會員專區辦理循環貸款後,如何知道自己還款期數?. 立即了解邦民循環貸款計劃.

  6. 技術支援. 我們樂意為您提供協助!. 如您有進一步疑問,或未能此找到相應解答,. 請致電客戶服務熱線 3199 1199 查詢或 按此 聯絡我們。. 想查詢私人貸款申請進度﹑審批結果及貸款過數情況?. 邦民日本財務解答你問題!. 邦民做到利用轉數快,貸款即批即 ...

  7. Do I need to apply again for a re-finance after full repayment of the previous loan? If your account type is under "revolving", the credit would still be retained even if your loan is repaid. If you want to apply for a loan, you can click here to apply through the member zone or dial our 24-hour Member Hotline, 3199 1111 or visit any Promise branches .