雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. Recruit is leading job & recruitment media consisting of full/part-time jobs, career news, cover letter/CV samples, interview tips and industry news. Recruit為求職招聘媒體,包括全職兼職空缺、職場新聞、求職信/履歷表範本、面試貼士、招聘行情。

  2. Recruit.com.hk is a leading job site in Hong Kong that offers thousands of job openings, career advice, salary index and interviewee tips. Recruit是招聘求職網站,提供各行業職位空缺,面試貼士、職場及行業資訊等。

  3. Your one-stop site for job vacancy, employment, career tips and latest news for the working forces. 冀打破種族隔膜 傳遞共融訊息 「新丁」議員盼與居民齊建美好東區 新一屆區議員上任五個多月,不少「新丁」議員馬不停蹄落區與市民會面,包括被委任成東區區 ...

  4. RECRUIT翻譯:招聘,吸收;(尤指軍隊)徵募新兵, 新成員,新來的人;(尤指)新兵。了解更多。

  5. 招聘事宜. 投考公務員職位申請人請留意:. 新的退休年齡適用於2015年6月1日或之後聘任為公務員的新入職人員,文職職系為65歲,紀律部隊職系(不論職級)為60歲。. 這連結會以新視窗打開。. 政府職位空缺 ( 請按此處閱讀常見問題) 「政府職位空缺」流動應用程式 ...

  6. CTgoodjobs is a leading jobs, employment and recruitment portal in Hong Kong, featuring part-time/full-time job vacancies, interview skills and tips, career news, cover letter/CV sample and many more. 香港領先求職招聘網站CTgoodjobs.hk,提供各行業全職 ...

  7. Graduate Page at Recruit.com.hk offers fresh graduates or prospect graduate practical and useful information on job hunting, career development in various industries. Recruit 畢業生專頁,為應屆畢業生及學生提供各行業的工作實習機會,面試貼士、職場及行業資訊等。

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