雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. 正選
    賽季 20231
    5月 11日@狼隊
    3 - 1
    超級聯賽11:00 上午 EDT
    5月 19日vs阿士東維拉
  2. The Study on Hong Kong People’s Participation in Gambling Activities commissioned by the Home Affairs Bureau in 2012, conducted by the Hong Kong Polytechnic University, found less than 2% of the local population could be considered as possible problem gamblers or possible pathological gamblers.

  3. 2023年7月13日 · 13/07/2023. The Hong Kong Jockey Club Strengthened Responsible Gambling Exchanges with Macau and Singapore Authorities and Counterparts. The Hong Kong Jockey Club (“Club”) has always been committed to promoting responsible gambling (“RG”) as well as problem gambling counselling and treatment services.

  4. 其他人也問了

  5. 香港賽馬會獲政府授權,是本港唯一獲認可營辦賽馬及足球博彩的機構,並代政府管理六合彩獎券。 馬會主動推行有節制博彩措施,並配合政府打擊外圍,在滿足巿民對博彩的需求的同時,把博彩收益轉化為支持本港社會發展及慈善事務的重要經濟來源,並致力防止市民參與非法賭博活動,從而減低賭博對個人和社會造成的負面影響。 馬會本著取諸社會、用諸社會的精神,以獨一無二的非牟利方式經營博彩娛樂,把所得盈餘透過慈善捐款及稅款,資助各項慈善及社區發展計劃。 除政府之外,馬會是全港最大的慈善資助機構;馬會亦是全港最大的單一納稅機構,以及香港最大的僱主之一。 香港規範化博彩框架.

  6. 協助問題賭博人士大致分為三大層面: 處理財務錢債等緊急問題. 協助問題賭博人士發掘和參與一些令自己感到愉快的活動來代替上網賭博,將癮頭轉到沒有傷害性的興趣上,讓患者從中找到滿足感,減少渴望賭博的慾望。 由於部分問題賭博人士可能同時出現焦慮、抑鬱,藥物治療正好可處理情緒問題,亦有助減少沉迷賭博行為。 有關處理問題賭博輔導個案的一般服務流程,包括﹕. 輔導員除提供個別面談輔導服務外,亦會按案主的情況,安排他們參與不同類型的小組活動,讓案主能獲得不同層面的支援,以達致更理想的輔導及治療成效。 家人可參考以下五項重點,積極配合治療過程,扮演心理醫生的「副治療師」。 縱使成癮者暫時遠離賭博,防備工夫仍不可少。

  7. Responsible Gambling Policy Responsible Gambling Guidelines. The Hong Kong Jockey Club adopts a socially responsible approach in the provision of betting services. It is devoted to minimise gambling-related social impact through funding Ping Wo Fund, which provides counselling, treatment and support services for problem gamblers.

  8. In 2021, HKJC has again been awarded the highest global level (Level 4) accreditation under the Responsible Gaming Framework of the World Lottery Association (WLA), for its continues improvement in promoting responsible gambling. It has clinched this accolade for the fourth time since 2011, 2015 and 2018.

  9. The Hong Kong Jockey Club implements a set of stringent responsible gambling initiatives, and maintains strict regulation and the highest level of integrity across all aspects of its horse racing, football betting and Mark Six lottery operations.

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