雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. 2016年8月15日 · テレオン山口電視台. http://yamatyan.blog8.fc2.com/blog-entry-20.html. テレオン方頭方腦,像是山口縣的“口”字,經常播報天氣預報,為當地的觀眾送來準確的天氣信息。 豐平川. 北海道大學國際新聞系畢業。 奔波於東京的紛擾,懷念著北國的山水;累得暈頭轉向,也不改對“爬格子”的一往情深。

  2. 2016年8月24日 · There are two different plays potential students can sign up for—Sugawara Denju Tenarai Kagami and Aoto Zoshi Hana no Nishiki-e. Practices for the former will be on Fridays, and Saturdays for the latter.

  3. 帶著在沖繩度過的美好回憶返鄉的同時,這裡我們要推薦給初來乍到沖繩的大家,三款充滿沖繩特色的代表紀念品,讓你隨時隨地都能重溫沖繩悠閒愜意的氛圍。

  4. 2016年6月27日 · 出門前收看天氣預報是很多人的習慣。 在智能手機和電腦如此發達的今天,為什麼還要收看電視的天氣節目呢? 因為日本的天氣節目主持人或者青春靚麗、或者專業深沉,各有各的風格魅力。 日本一些網站每年還會舉辦最具人氣的天氣播報員(気象キャスター)排行榜,我們一起去看看2016年的前五名吧!

  5. 2017年6月9日 · When you spend a lot of time watching Japanese and Western TV commercials, you start to notice a few key differences, one of which I'd like to examine here. Western TV commercials typically start with a core "idea" of some sort: a message, concept, thought process or theory.

  6. 2019年6月17日 · An ALT, or Assistant Language Teacher, is the industry term used to refer to a (usually) native English speaker who works in the public school system in Japan as an English teacher, with the only hard requirements being a college degree, as well as a formative education in an English environment (exactly what this means depends on ...

  7. 2017年8月6日 · Purikura, shortened from the word purinto kurabu —literally "print club"—refers to Japanese photo booths that are incredibly popular among the country's youth. An arguable must-try for tourists who visit the Land of the Rising Sun, this kawaii blend of technology and culture is ubiquitous throughout the country.

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