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  1. 股票資訊. 及時掌握市場資訊是成功投資的關鍵,為此,我們特別為您提供最新的股票市場資訊,包括:股票報價、圖表走勢、市場新聞、評論及市場動態等,助您作出明智的投資決定。. 請即點擊下面連結,立即掌握更多市場資訊。. 港股資訊.

  2. To assist you in making investment decisions, we provide you with up-to-date stock market information(HK and A Share), including stock quotes, charts, market news, commentaries and market events. Please click the following hyperlinks to access more market information now.

  3. 個人客戶服務熱線 +852 3988 2388. 星期一至五上午9時至晚上9時,星期六上午9時至下午6時,星期日及公眾假期休息. 中銀月供股票計劃助你定立個人投資組合,利用平均成本法,找出最佳投資策略,月供港股美股。. 更可利用中銀信用卡進行供款賺取簽帳積分,獲得 ...

  4. We provide you with up-to-date stock market information, including IPO shares subscription, stock quotes, charts, market news and market trend etc. Help you capture market information and make a wise investment decision

  5. 簡易股票分析工具,涵蓋港股、A股及美股,提供形態分析及綜合評分兩大功能,自主投資話咁易 形態分析: 透過分析股票走勢形態,估計其後走勢向好向淡 提供14種向好及14種向淡形態 綜合評分: 分析基本面表現(如盈利增長/ 派息率/ 負債比率/ 市盈率等)

  6. This page is issued by Bank of China (Hong Kong) Limited. Its contents have not been reviewed by any regulatory authority in Hong Kong. BOCHK provides securities trading services with comprehensive stock market information and stock analysis tool, to help you capture investment opportunities with ease.

  7. 2002年7月25日 · Share Information (Ordinary & ADR) BOC Hong Kong (Holdings) Limited's ("BOCHK (Holdings)") ordinary shares are listed and traded on the Hong Kong Stock Exchange. In addition, BOCHK (Holdings) maintains a Level 1 over-the-counter (OTC) American Depositary Receipt (ADR) program.

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