雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. Avoid unnecessary outdoor activities, work or exercise. Protect yourself from direct sun, stay hydrated, and be aware of the signs and symptoms of heat-related illness. Keep the indoors cool and well-ventilated. It is advisable to take measures to cool off, such as ...

  2. 中央氣象局全球資訊網

  3. 當天空中有冰晶組成的卷層雲圍繞在太陽或月亮的周圍時,偶而會出現一個或兩個以上的彩色光環圍繞在太陽或月亮的四周,呈現內紅外紫的排列,有時還會見到一些彩色或白色的光斑和光弧。這種出現光圈、光斑及光弧等光學現象統稱為「暈象」(halo phenomena)。

  4. 註 此定量降水預報產品技術仍在發展階段,使用此預報產品時,須瞭解其極限,對於颱風及梅雨帶來的大量降水有較高的準確度,至於小範圍的對流降雨則準確度較低,請謹慎使用。 6小時及3小時定量降水預報

  5. 目前已發布最新15筆地震之相關資訊

  6. This doesn't mean that it cannot happen during other activities, months, and locations. It's just that those cases have seldom been reported. The term "mad-dog waves" describes the sudden occurrence of high waves.

  7. 首頁 | 交通部中央氣象局

  8. 近期熱門劇集

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