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  1. 2021年6月17日 · Lily Chang. Netflix影集《鹿角男孩擠進Netflix排行榜Top...

    • Lily Chang
    • Lily Chang
    • 《地獄公使》播放平台:Netflix。View full post on Instagram。由韓國影帝劉亞仁主演的《地獄公使》,故事描述人們遇到了突然出現的「天使」,被宣告即將前往地獄的死亡時間,並且在光天化日之下的首爾市中心突然出現三個如怪物般的地獄公使,進而發生了把人打入地獄的「演示」 超自然現象,因此原本平凡的世界在一夕之間陷入了無法控制的混亂之中。
    • 《Sweet home》播放平台:Netflix。View full post on Instagram。由人氣男星宋江主演的《Sweet home》失去所有家人的孤僻高中生車賢秀 (Cha Hyun-su) 搬進新公寓,卻就此陷入光怪陸離、恐怖詭譎的處境。
    • 《慘雨》播放平台:Netflix。View full post on Instagram。雨水抹滅斯堪地那維亞泰半人口的數年後,席夢 (Simone) 和拉斯莫斯 (Rasmus) 在如何挽救人類方面發生分歧。
    • 《末日列車》播放平台:Netflix。View full post on Instagram。《末日列車》(Snowpiercer)改編自《寄生上流》導演奉俊昊廣獲好評的電影,故事中的地球已經冰凍無法居住,殘存的人類只能在環繞著地球不停止的火車上,階級鬥爭與人性黑暗面依舊持續著,透過末日題材討論社會不公以及政治等議題。
    • What Is Sweet Tooth About?
    • Has Sweet Tooth Season 3 Been Confirmed?
    • Who Will Star in Sweet Tooth Season 3?

    Netflix's official synopsis is as follows: "On an epic adventure across a post-apocalyptic world, a lovable boy who is part human and part deer searches for family and home with a gruff protector". Think adorable kids, fuzzy animals with tonnes of drama thrown in.

    Super exciting news, a third season of Sweet Toothis coming! Sadly, it will also be the final season... We're not crying, you are. In season three, we will be venturing to icy Alaska, US, with Gus, Jepperd, Wendy and Bear as the gang and lead actor Christian teases that things will get a little darker this time round. "Gus is growing alongside the ...

    Many of our favourite faces will be returning for the third and final season, such as: 1. Christian Convery as Gus 2. Nonso Anozie as Tommy Jepperd 3. Naledi Murray as Wendy Eden 4. Stefania LaVie Owen as Bear 5. Rosalind Chao as Zhao 6. Amy Seimetz as Birdie Some new, exciting faces will also be joining the cast, such as Cara Gee who will play Sia...

    • Junior Entertainment And Lifestyle Writer
    • 4 分鐘
  2. 2021年6月22日 · 2021上半年歐美劇推薦精選10部超好評影集Netflix末日奇幻鹿角男孩》、凱特溫斯蕾東城奇案》、漫威3部英雄影集必追. 好看的影集不讓你錯過~ By Lily Chang Published: 2021/06/22. mareofeasttown.official、sweettoothnetflix ig. View full post on...

  3. 2023年3月17日 · Netflix has renewed fantasy series Sweet Tooth for another season. Here's everything we know about Sweet Tooth series 2 including cast, plot and release date.

    • 2 分鐘
    • Daniella Scott
  4. Netflix懸疑影集《星期三》第二季預告來了!Netflix今天正式預告星期三·阿達 即將迎來更多折磨!此外還有其他超人氣影集也確定會有新一季內容 ...

  5. Netflix原創影集鹿角男孩鋼鐵人小勞勃道尼監製故事設定在遭受病毒H5G9侵襲後多數人因染疫去世進入世界末日地球上的 ...