雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. 優惠2:HK$150即時折扣. 單一淨額簽賬滿 HK$1,200,可享HK$150即時折扣。. 每星期名額:4月1,200個及5月840個。. 優惠1及2不適用於 (i) 手機流動支付(Apple Pay, Google Pay™ 及Samsung Pay)簽賬及 (ii) 透過任何電子錢包(包括但不只限於支付寶、微信支付及拍住賞)簽賬之 ...

  2. 3 天前 · 1.客戶須分別繳付港幣及人民幣賬戶之結欠,個別賬戶之結餘不會自動抵銷另一賬戶之結欠。 2.由於人民幣滙率不時波動,建議客戶還款時,可透過standardchartered.com.hk 參考有關滙率,並存入還款額之額外5%緩衝款項,避免引起不必要的財務費用損失。

  3. Offer 1: HKD100 instant discount. Spend HKD500 or above in a single net transaction to enjoy HKD100 instant discount. Weekly quotas: 160 in April and 140 in May. Promo codes of offer 1 and 2 will be released on every Monday from 00:00 onwards for offer 1 and 2. For the avoidance of doubt, the last Monday to release the promo codes will be 20 ...

  4. 渣打大湾区中心作为渣打银行投资和发展大湾区战略的重要举措之一,是2020年8月由英国渣打银行有限责任公司、渣打银行(香港)有限公司共同在广州投资的项目。项目在广州环贸中心 (ICC),租赁并建设七层办公室,作为未来渣打集团内部多个实体公司和分支机构办公的场所。

  5. G/F to 2/F, Yee Wah Mansion, 38-40A Yee Wo Street, Causeway Bay, Hong Kong Telephone:25761226 Shek Tong Tsui Branch Shops 8-12, G/F, Dragonfair Garden, 455-485 Queen’s Road West, Shek Tong Tsui, Hong Kong Telephone:25172122 Cheung Sha

  6. Open your Integrated Deposits Account via SC Mobile App. It only takes a few minutes. Enjoy ultimate convenience with Standard Chartered Integrated Deposits Account. You can consolidate your current and savings accounts in HKD, RMB as well as a full range of foreign currencies. Full range of privileges and services of Priority Banking⁴ ...

  7. 幾個簡單步驟,即可將任何HK$500或以上信用卡零售簽賬分三個月免息免手續費攤還。 例子: 簽賬金額:HK$9,000. 還款期:3個月. 每月還款額= HK$9,000 / 3 = $ 3,000. 總還款額=HK$9,000. 註: 每港幣180元將於「360°全面賞」網上換領平台扣除港幣1元現金回贈。 例子:如簽賬分期金額為HK$9,000,銀行將扣除HK$50現金回贈。 指定商戶全年5%豐厚現金回贈*,易賺易慳.