雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. 超級聯賽終場
    4月 27日@阿士東維拉
    2 - 2
    超級聯賽2:30 下午 EDT
    5月 2日vs熱刺
    超級聯賽9:00 上午 EDT
    5月 5日vs韋斯咸
  2. 藏王山頂處的「禦釜」(亦稱「五色湖」)、藏王樹冰、藏王溫泉、藏王滑雪場是來藏王不能錯過的景點。. 鑽石般的藏王樹冰,它是藏王連峰的特殊氣候條件和特殊植物構築而成、聞名世界的自然藝術品。. 它被稱為「冰雪怪物」,是山形的冬季象徵。. 2月份是 ...

  3. 2016年12月14日 · Move over Starbucks and Tully’s, a new wave of coffee is beginning to surge in Japan. These so-called “third wave” coffee shops are more local and independent than their second-wave counterparts—and unlike the mass-produced coffee of the first wave, third-wave baristas take pride in using artisanal methods to brew a cup of coffee.

  4. 其他人也問了

  5. 2015年12月10日 · In Japan, there are two Le Cordon Bleu schools located in Tokyo and Kobe. Founded in Daikanyama in 1991, the Tokyo school offers cuisine, pastry and bakery programs in Japanese, English and Chinese, welcoming international and Japanese students together.

  6. 新宿. 想要探索東京的夜生活,建議一定要走一趟「新宿」,感受一下24小時都不停歇的不夜城氛圍。. 包含24小時營業的居酒屋或餐廳等餐飲店外,入夜後的酒吧數量也多到令人難以數計,如此的新宿堪稱是日本夜生活的歡樂代表地區。. 其中特別推薦人聲鼎沸的 ...

  7. 2023年6月21日 · 独此一家 德之岛斗牛. 提到斗牛,也许第一反应是西班牙。. 那热情的舞蹈,配合斗牛士与牛的精彩表演世界闻名。. 但是在德之岛,这里也有独一无二且让人热血沸腾的斗牛,而且这种斗牛与西班牙不同,这里是“真·斗牛”,不是人与牛之间的比拼,而是牛与 ...

  8. 2018年12月27日 · Art Traditional Japan. www.spoon-tamago.com. Kirie (切り絵, literally "cut picture") is the Japanese art of paper-cutting. Variations of kirie can be found in cultures around the world, but the Japanese version is said to be derived from religious ceremonies and can be traced back to around the AD 700s.

  9. 2015年11月18日 · Live in a Tokyo Rubik's Cube. Completed in April of 2015 and located in Tokyo's Edogawa Ward, “Little House with a Big Terrace” doesn’t leave much for guesswork. Its name, which borrows from Laura Ingalls' Little House in the Big Woods, says it all. In response to a married couple’s request for a generous, outdoor yoga space, Takuro ...