雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. www.theaster.com.hk › tcTHE ASTER

    EN. 本相片於2022年12月8日於發展項目之會所拍攝,並經電腦圖像修飾處理,僅供參考。 相片所顯示之景觀未必適用於發展項目的住宅物業。 景觀受住宅物業所處層數、座向及周邊建築物及環境影響。 相片內的布局、規格、顏色、用料、裝置、裝飾物料、設備、傢具、裝飾物、植物、園景及其他物件未必會在發展項目或其附近範圍出現。 免責聲明. 傲踞跑馬地 顯赫地段. THE ASTER 傲立於跑馬地傳統顯赫地段,以獨具一格的建築美學,演繹新一代時尚奢華、快活盛景。

  2. 中原地產提供跑馬地THE ASTER的市場資訊,包括近期實用/建築呎價、叫價、成交宗數等。客戶亦可了解到THE ASTER附近的公共交通、學校資訊、人口普查資料等,在準備置業前詳細了解THE ASTER的環境。

  3. 2023年3月8日 · THE ASTER是嘉里建設旗下的住宅項目,位於跑馬地山光道7A號。即睇 THE ASTER售樓說明書、價單、平面圖、視頻短片、VR、銷售安排、成交紀錄冊、入票及最新銷售情況等。中原專頁,助準業主把握資訊及入市時機。

  4. www.theaster.com.hk › enTHE ASTER

    THE ASTER. Enter. The photo is taken at the clubhouse of the Development on 8 December 2022 and has been edited and processed with computerized imaging techniques, is for reference only. The view showing in the photo may not be applied to residential properties of the Development. The view of a residential property is dependent on the unit’s ...

  5. The Aster 新盤活動. 一手掌握 The Aster最新銷售情報:新盤即時新聞、售樓說明書、價單、銷售安排、成交紀錄、平面圖、示範單位、地區配套懶人包,立即Click入搶先查詢預約!

  6. THE ASTER shines in the historically prestigious Happy Valley with its one-of-a-kind architectural beauty, evoking dynamic energy, chic extravagance, and an exciting atmosphere. The Building offers 106 units, most are two-bedroom apartments with the sizes of

  7. 2023年3月8日 · THE ASTER | New Property in WONG NAI CHUNG | Centaline Property Hong Kong. (1) Video (3) Photo (31) THE ASTER. Sales in Progress. WONG NAI CHUNG 7A SHAN KWONG ROAD. Lowest Price. *This is the lowest selling price among all price lists issued by the developer for this project.

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