雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. HSBC Eminent Goal Multi-Currency Insurance Plan Your plan not keeping up with the changes in your life? That’s because you haven’t found the right plan for you! Alex, on the other hand, has found a multi-currency insurance plan that o!ers 9 major currencies ...

  2. 1. 您有機會達至財政自由. 被動型投資為您帶來的紅利或股息,是被動收入的一種。 以一項每年有15%、20%甚至25%紅利增長的投資產品為例 2 ,您持有這些產品越久,所得到的利潤就會越多,這些利潤甚至有機會可以支撐日常開支有餘。 有了這筆資金,您就有機會擁有財政自由,甚至辭掉工作做實現理想的事情。 2. 把握複合利息的優勢. 說到拿取利息,您可以選擇以現金方式提取或活用利息再投資。 選擇後者,您就可以從複合利息中獲利,雙重受益。 如果您再次投資,所得的回報則以最新的投資總額計算。 所以當您每次再用新的總額投資,都可以獲得更多紅利及股息,將您的資本再增值。 建立被動收入有風險嗎? 雖然被動型投資相對較穩健,但就如所有投資產品一樣,均帶有虧損的風險,導致您的被動收入所得不如理想 。

  3. Health is Wealth 5 To further support the science of well-being and better understand the role of financial health, HSBC recently also announced a two-year Research Fellowship in partnership with the University of Oxford’s Well-being Research Centre. Dr. Caspar

  4. Set aside money for retirement. Set short-term and long-term financial goals (a short term goal could be paying your bills on time or cutting down your expenses). Review your finances regularly (on a weekly or bi-weekly basis). Read financial education materials to help you on your journey. Patience and persistence are key.

  5. 滙圖多元貨幣保險計劃(「滙圖」、「本計劃」或「本保單」)屬終身人壽保險計劃,並提供獨特靈活方案,助您邁向長線儲蓄目標。 本計劃提供一系列保單貨幣及保單管理選項,為您帶來充分財政彈性,部署完善財富計劃,力求實現各種不同願望。 掌握不同選項 靈活自主策劃財富. 提供9種保單貨幣選擇 靈活行使貨幣轉換選項1. 本計劃提供多種貨幣選擇,助您緊握長線財富增長機遇。 您可選擇以美元、人民幣、港幣、英鎊、加拿大元、澳元、歐羅、新加坡元或澳門幣*為保單貨幣單位,務求助您實現不同人生目標及 理想。 由第3個保單周年日起,或於保費繳付期完結並已繳清所有保費(以較遲者為準),您可隨時將 保單貨幣轉換成另一種可供選擇的貨幣,每個保單年度更可轉換最多3次,以配合不同人生階段的需要及機遇。

  6. Edition. 2023. 無懼波動市況. 多元化. 分散風險. 滙豐強金— 2022 年強金供應商平均投資回報率HSBC MPF ranked No.1 in 2022 average investment return among all MPF providers1. NO.1. 無懼波動市況,以表現說實力。開立及整合強金個人賬戶, 可享高達港幣12,000元 紅利單位回贈。 Good work speaks for itself amidst the market fluctuation. You can now enjoy up to . HKD12,000 bonus unit rebates.

  7. In this first issue we focus on why ESG investing matters to equity investors. We believe that ESG factors are going increasingly mainstream and can be used to drive investment outperformance. Investment strategies incorporating ESG are growing fast and now account for over a quarter of professionally managed assets globally.