雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. 2024年度托业公开考试时间安排(听读部分) 2023-10-30. 【重要通知7月23日托业考试济南考点地址变更 2023-07-18. 【火爆来袭】全球沟通者挑战赛 2023-06-27. 托业618年中钜惠火热开启~~~ 2023-06-13. (5月限定)托业听力阅读模拟考再次开团!. 2023-05-11. 2023“千校万岗· ...

  2. 国际交流英语考试(Test of English for International Communication -- TOEIC),国际交流英语考试(TOEIC)用于测试母语非英语人员在国际性环境中的日常英语能力,旨在衡量应试者在国际商业、贸易环境中使用英语的熟练程度。

  3. 托业考试全称是TEST OF ENGLISH FOR INTERNATIONAL COMMUNICATION,简称TOEIC,中文译为国际交流英语考试。是针对在国际工作环境中使用英语交流的人们而指定的英语能力测评考试,由美国教育考试服务中心设计。所以托业考试区别于那些侧重

  4. Official TOEIC Test Registration Center. Workplace English Benchmarks and International Tests. EXAMPLES OF TOEIC. The TOEIC program is the global standard for assessing English-language communication skills needed in the workplace and everyday life. Learn more about the TOEIC Program and TOEIC tests.

  5. The TOEIC program is the global standard for assessing English-language communication skills needed in the workplace and everyday life. Learn more about the TOEIC program and TOEIC tests.

  6. The TOEIC program is the global standard for assessing English-language communication skills needed in the workplace and everyday life. Learn more about the TOEIC Program and TOEIC tests.

  7. TOEIC考試優惠 期間限定. 於香港EF English Centers 報考TOEIC電腦模式考試,送你TOEIC網上練習及模擬考試,EF 英語課程的學生更有額外優惠。. 免費查詢考試詳情. 網上即時報考TOEIC. EF English CentersTOEIC托業考試於香港的官方考試中心, 主辦TOEIC電腦模式的聽力與閱讀 ...

  8. 測驗公告最新消息. 5/1 (三)本公司勞動節補假,線上自動化服務照常運作,其他各項服務暫停。. 2024/04/29. 更正【TOEIC測驗官方線上模擬考授權碼】使用時間. 2024/03/22. 3/24 TOEIC®口說測驗及TOEIC®口說與寫作測驗公開場次延長報名時間至3/11. 2024/03/08. 2023年10月起 ...

  9. Applicants can complete the registration form and submit it in person, by post or via online registration on the official TOEIC® website: www.TOEIC.com.hk. Please note that Smart Education Co. Ltd. Is the official TOEIC® test representative in Hong Kong and

  10. The TOEIC tests assess your English-language proficiency for the workplace. Learn about each test and how it benefits you, and download test prep materials.

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