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    5月 19日vs狼隊
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  2. 2023年8月14日 · 髮尾的層次感能打造人人稱羨的小V臉。 By Tchata Lu and Yuri Huang Published: 2023/08/14. Instagram_newjeans.hanni, keemharu, Little Red Book_630308393. 2023中長髮髮型推薦:率性及肩狼尾、溫柔鎖骨內彎...10款可鹽可甜的中長髮造型....

    • Adenomyosis vs Endometriosis
    • What Is Adenomyosis?
    • Adenomyosis Symptoms
    • Adenomysosis Treatment
    • What Is Endometriosis?
    • Endometriosis Symptoms
    • Endometriosis Treatment
    • Are Adenomyosis and Endometriosis The same?
    • What to Do If You Think You Have Adenomyosis Or Endometriosis

    To find out more about the symptoms of adenomyosis and endometriosis – and to uncover the key differences between the two conditions – we spoke to Dr Nitu Bajekal, consultant gynaecologist and co-author of Living PCOS Free.

    "Adenomyosis is an oestrogen-dependent chronic inflammatory condition that can affect women and those assigned female at birth (AFAB) at any age," Dr Bajekal tells Cosmopolitan UK.But, she adds, "It is more [common] in the second half of their reproductive phase (late 30s, 40s and 50s)." Explaining what exactly adenomyosis is, Dr Bajekal continues:...

    Painful and/or heavy periods
    Chronic pelvic pain
    Painful intercourse

    Adenomysosis, Dr Bajekal points out, is not life threatening or cancerous, "but it can impair quality of life significantly." As such, there are a number of treatments available to help those suffering with the condition. "Many women and those AFAB benefit from an intrauterine device containing progesterone – this stops or lightens periods and prev...

    Endometriosis on the other hand, explains Dr Bajekal, is when: "Tissue similar to the endometrial lining, that grows and bleeds with each menstrual cycle, is found outside the uterus." This abnormal tissue, she adds, "causes endometriotic deposits on the back of the womb, bowel and ovaries, often creating scarring, pelvic adhesions and ovarian cyst...

    Painful and/or heavy periods
    Pelvic pain
    Painful sex
    Bowel issues

    Treatment for endometriosis can include having a laparoscopy (a type of keyhole surgery) to investigate what's going on inside the abdomen, particularly the womb, fallopian tubes, ovaries, bladder and bowel. After the procedure, doctors will decide the best course of action moving forward which may include removing scar tissue or having a hysterect...

    Explaining the key differences between the often misunderstood conditions, Dr Bajekal tells us that adenomyosis tends to affect older women (although, not always), whilst endometriosis more so impacts younger women. As well as that, "endometriosis is defined as the deposition of tissue outside the womb (even in places like a wound or in the lungs) ...

    "My advice to women and those AFAB is to track their menstrual cycles, make a note of symptoms and see a doctor," the expert advises, noting that it can be difficult to get a diagnosis for such conditions – shockingly, on average it can be as long as seven years for endometriosis– as "painful periods are often not taken seriously." Because of this,...

  3. O n average, it takes 8 years to be diagnosed with endometriosis – which quite frankly, isn't good enough. Support and information can sometimes feel lacking too, which is why we ...

  4. 2019年1月13日 · 枕邊的金髮美女,真的都很驚悚啊! By Sylvia Cheng Published: 2019/01/13. 由奧斯卡影后安海瑟薇、、影帝馬修麥康納兩人主演的懸疑片《驚濤佈局》終於要在1月25日上映啦! 光是卡司陣容就已非常吸引人,預告中的超燒腦劇情和伏筆也讓人迫不及待想知道答案!

  5. 2023年12月18日 · 「弓箭步」是常見的下半身訓練動作,可以搭配伸展、負重,也能在基礎上做多樣的變化。 「弓箭步」看似簡單,容易上手,然而許多人做弓箭步練習時會發生許多誤區。 這些小小的錯誤不僅會影響練習效果,甚至會造成運動傷害或是O型腿。 以下就來認識這個日常「弓箭步」的常見誤區、修正方式與好處!

  6. 2021年11月23日 · Modern Family actress Sarah Hyland has said having endometriosis can make it hard to be on set because she's often curled up in pain. In 2018, Sarah had laparoscopic surgery for her endometriosis ...

  7. 2022年2月23日 · Health. The way endometriosis is diagnosed is (finally) changing - but why has it taken so long? Endometriosis affects roughly 2 million women in the UK... why do they have to fight to be...