雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. 特許公認會計師公會 (ACCA) Founded in 1904, ACCA is a global professional accounting body, offering broad-based qualifications that are recognized by the government and the finance sector. It has more than 200,000 members and 486,000 students in 181 countries. Students taking the ACCA examinations can apply to study for a BSc Honours ...

  2. ACCA 2024年5月份CBE電腦考試報名詳情更新 (BT, MA, FA, LW) 考試日期 : 18 May 2024 (Saturday) 考試時間 : 14:30-16:30. 截止報名日期 : 13 May 2024. 1. 考生必須已註冊成為 ACCA會員。. 2. 考試場地及日期時間請參考表格內文,而考試名額有限,先到先得,額滿即止,所有報名名額不 ...

  3. ACCA. Published on 2018-04-20in 首頁Full resolution (115 × 115) ←PreviousNext →. 關於我們. 本校提供不同的文憑課程,務求讓學生在成為商業專才之同時,亦能掌握多種技能,提升個人競爭能力。. admin_kln@hksc.edu.hk. (852) 2730 5653. 尖沙咀柯士甸道81號 (港鐵佐敦站C2出口) / (西鐵 ...

  4. Founded in 1904, ACCA is a global professional accounting body, offering broad-based qualifications that are recognized by the government and the finance sector. It has more than 200,000 members and 486,000 students in 181 countries. Students taking the ACCA examinations can apply to study for a BSc Honours degree in Applied Accounting from ...

  5. 3) 持有ACCA 首三卷學歷 (AB, MA, FA) 時數 :270小時 (為期12個月) 學費: $19,200 (1,600×12期) **報讀學生需持有香港永久性居民身分證** 自資課程

  6. 此科公開考試會以電腦應考。 考獲ACCA FAB , FMA 及 FFA 及格 , 可獲特許公認會計師公會 (ACCA) 頒發Diploma in Accounting and Business. 升學及銜接課程 : 可升讀本校專業會計高級文憑 , 修讀ACCA Applied Skills 課程. 學費 : $1,700 ( 第一期 ) $1,000 ( 第二期 ) 時數 :42 小時. 自資課程. 分類: 兼讀制課程, 專業學會課程, 特許公認會計師公會 (ACCA)

  7. Pass all modules (obtain at least 50% for both continuous assessment and examination in each module); and Achieve at least 75% attendance in each module. Course Fee: $25,000 (14 installments)

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