雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. Osome HK. Accounting. One-stop accounting services for all your financial needs. Focus on growing your business, we'll take care of the financial admin. Our local experts and all-in-one accounting services make managing tax effortless. Book a consultation. Pricing. 4,8. out of 5, based on 327 Google reviews.

  2. 主頁. 服務. 會計. 分享. 會計是以貨幣為主要計量單位,運用專門的方法,對企業的經濟活動進行核算和監督的經濟管理活動。 通過記賬、算賬、報賬等程序,會計可全面反映企業的財務狀況和經營成果。 企業將會計記賬工作委託給專業的代理記賬公司,既節省成本,又能獲得符合會計準則標準的財務報表。 同時,通過專業人員對相關數據的分析和建議,有助提升企業管理水平和盈利能力。 康栢會計師事務所的資深會計人員具有良好的職業操守、穩健的理賬技巧,通過對客戶業務的深入了解,在符合相關會計準則的前提下,設計和實施最佳的會計服務方案,讓客戶免除後顧之憂,在節省經營成本的同時,能獲得充裕時間,專注拓展業務。 會計目的.

  3. 3E Accounting is a leading service provider for company incorporation, accounting, tax, payroll, immigration and compliance services that assist start-ups and SMEs in Hong Kong get off to the right start with their business. Should you wish to establish a business in Hong Kong, contact us today for more information and let us help you get started.

  4. 會計商務. 有限公司. 我們是一家持牌信托或公司服務提供者 (牌照編號TC006906),由本港及澳洲註冊會計師所創辦,專責於會計報稅,開立公司,公司秘書服務等領域。 本司特別着重於本地中小企業,有關客戶層之行業包括但不限於:飲食;零售;醫療及美容;物流;設計及工程;教育服務;貿易批發和物業租管等。 「本公司認知大多數開立公司客戶並不了解或清楚當中的服務內容,特別是公司法和稅法,而導致蒙受額外費用 (如政府機構–公司註冊處的罰款,或稅務局發出的告票等),更甚是阻礙了日理萬機的業務發展。

  5. Accounting Services in Hong Kong. Every business needs a smooth accounting so that it becomes easy to track the financial status of the company. 3E Accounting can help you with setting up a smooth and effective accounting system to prepare financial statements for your company in Hong Kong.

  6. BoardRoom provides precise bookkeeping & accounting services. Outsource your accounting needs to our CPA certified accountants in Hong Kong today!

  7. The accounting services of an accounting company help prepare financial reports. Through financial reports, accountants will be able to use professional accounting knowledge to assist companies in forecasting and analyzing financial strategies.

  8. WELCOME TO THOMSONS CPA & CO. Thomsons CPA & Co. is a certified public accountants (“CPA”) / professional accounting firm, which is also a registered CPA practice unit with HKICPA under S28A of the Professional Accountants Ordinance.

  9. Sleek offers accounting services for Hong Kong businesses of all sizes. Whether you need tax compliance, financial reporting, or payroll management, Sleek can handle it for you. Learn more about our plans and pricing.

  10. Accounting Services. 興創會計顧問有限公司 提供每年或每月會計服務及製作周年財務報表和管理帳目,讓客戶妥善整理符合會計準則標準的財務記錄。 為客戶設計和實施最佳會計服務方案,令客戶節省成本,獲得專業、高效及準確之會計理帳服務,讓您對 公司帳目無憂。 透過我們高質素及系統化會計服務及對財務分析建議,客戶可清楚了解財政狀況,有助提升企業管理及公司運作,客戶可省時專注拓展業務。 56999648 手機按此查詢.

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