雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. 2023年6月16日,全球最大的《哈利波特》室內娛樂設施隆重開幕,其正式名稱為「WARNER BROS. STUDIO TOUR TOKYO – THE MAKING OF Harry Potter」,現在粉絲們可以在東京探索《哈利波特》的魔法世界。. WARNER BROS. STUDIO TOUR TOKYO建於東京都練馬區的豐島園遊樂園舊址。. 大阪的 ...

  2. 2023年12月25日 · Japanese fashion brand Onitsuka Tiger opened a new Ginza concept store in August 2023, adding to its popular outlets in Tokyo’s high-end shopping district. As the company’s first concept store in the world dedicated to its Yellow Collection, the three-story standalone building itself features a bold yellow exterior resembling a yellow box.

  3. 2024年3月11日 · Action, Mystery, and Horror Experiences. Immersive Fort Tokyo features 12 immersive attractions, as well as shops and restaurants, spread over an area of 30,000 square meters, and visitors are able to participate in a variety of action, mystery, and horror experiences.

  4. 2024年3月11日 · 「東京沉浸城堡」是世界首座完全沉浸型的主題樂園,於2024年3月1日在台場的「維納斯城堡」購物中心舊址開幕。這座樂園宣示了主題樂園的進化來到全新階段,入場者能夠在以懸疑、恐怖、動作等世界展開的故事中,參加各種身歷情境的沉浸式體驗。各大遊樂設施都以最先進的現場娛樂「沉浸式 ...

    • A Traditional Craft Culture with Roots in The Water
    • Check Out A Fascinating Workshop and Make Something of Your Own
    • Some No Komichi Festival
    • Tokyo Some Monogatari Museum
    • Double-Check Before Your Trip and See What's on

    The Kanda River runs roughly 25 kilometers from the west to the east, beginning at Inokashira Pond in the Mitaka neighborhood and ending where it joins the Sumida River near the Kokugikan Arena. In other words, it covers more or less the length of central Tokyo. Many urban waterways flow underground, but the Kanda River is largely uncovered. It is ...

    The Nakai and Ochiai areas of Shinjuku make up one dyeing epicenter along the Kanda River. Many centuries ago, people in Asakusa and Kanda used clean water from nearby rivers for traditional dyeing work, but things really took off about a century ago. Hundreds of workshops opened up along the Kanda River and the Myoshoji River, a Kanda tributary. T...

    Some no Komichiis an annual festival held on the last weekend of February, which celebrates dyeing techniques developed along the Myoshoji River in the Ochiai and Nakai areas. The event features brightly colored pieces of cloth strung over the river, which take people back to the old days when dyers washed their newly dyed clothes in the river. The...

    Walk along the Kanda River to the east from Ochiai and Nakai, and you’ll soon find yourself in the Takadanobaba and Waseda areas of Shinjuku, which are also home to several traditional dyeing workshops, as well as the Tokyo Some Monogatari Museum (also known as Tomita Dye Craft). At the museum, you can appreciate their beautiful dyed items such as ...

    Workshops belonging to the Tokyo Dyers Association often hold events in English, including tours and lectures by masters of dyeing. Check the latest information online before visiting the city.

  5. 潜入WARNER BROS. STUDIO TOUR TOKYO – THE MAKING OF Harry Potter. 2023年6月16日,全球最大的哈利波特室内娱乐设施盛大开业,其正式名称为“WARNER BROS. STUDIO TOUR TOKYO – THE MAKING OF Harry Potter(东京华纳兄弟哈利波特影城)”。. 如今,粉丝们在东京即可探索哈利波特的魔法世界 ...

  6. 2024年3月8日 · 為了發掘培養新的人才,振興動畫文化產業,宣揚東京魅力,促進東京觀光,東京國際動畫節(Tokyo Anime Awards Festival)以「世界動畫的中心,就在東京」為口號,在東京上映世界各地的優質原創動畫,讓全球動畫迷互相交流,為作家和觀眾提供新鮮的刺激與感動。同時,東京國際動畫節也將以這些 ...