雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. www.afrc.org.hkAFRC

    The independent regulator of the accounting profession. As an independent regulator, we spearhead and lead the accounting profession to constantly raise the level of quality of professional accountants, and thus protect public interest.

  2. 作為會計專業獨立監管機構,本局將履行作為行業倡導者的角色,致力於引領香港會計行業,通過有效監管,持續提升專業質素,從而有效地保障公眾利益。 本局旨在透過提升財務匯報質素、推動業界的可持續發展及促進香港作為具競爭力國際金融中心的地位,為會計專業及香港營造正面的漣漪效應。

  3. Under the Accounting and Financial Reporting Council Ordinance (Cap. 588), only a certified public accountant (practising) (“CPA (practising)”), a CPA firm or a corporate practice registered with the Accounting and Financial Reporting Council can hold an appointment or render a service, whether paid or unpaid, as an auditor of a company ...

  4. 作为会计专业独立监管机构,本局将履行作为行业倡导者的角色,致力于引领香港会计行业,通过有效监管,持续提升专业质素,从而有效地保障公众利益。 本局旨在透过提升财务汇报质素、推动业界的可持续发展及促进香港作为具竞争力国际金融中心的地位,为会计专业及香港营造正面的涟漪效应。

  5. www.afrc.org.hk › zh-hk主頁


  6. Under the Accounting and Financial Reporting Council Ordinance (Cap. 588) (the AFRCO), the AFRC is empowered to issue practising certificates to certified public accountants registered with the Hong Kong Institute of Certified Public Accountants (CPAs) under Division 1 of Part 2A of the AFRCO.

  7. www.afrc.org.hk › en-hk › about-afrcMission - AFRC

    The AFRC is the independent regulator of the Accounting Profession established on 1 December 2006. We exercise the full spectrum of our regulatory powers to uphold high standards of professional conduct, and thus protect public interest. Our mission is to shape a competitive environment that will nurture and promote success of the profession.

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