雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. 類別Class 1 : (A) 從事室內工作或專業、行政及非體力勞動的人士: 包括律師、會計師、行政人員、文員、教師、學生、醫生、診所護士、牙 醫、藥劑師、核數師、神職人員、股票經紀等 ...

  2. 本人同意及承擔上述投保人之全數應繳之「人身意外綜合保障計劃」保費金額,本人亦明白如因終止保單而產生的任何退費會以支票方式 給予投保人。. I hereby confirm to pay the premium due of “Personal Accident Comprehensive Protection Plan” for the above proposed Insured. I also ...

  3. 受保配偶必須從事職業類別 1 或2之人士。 Insured spouse must be the person whose occupation is under Class 1 or 2. 3. 於申請這份保險時受保成人須為年齡介乎18至65 歲,而受保子女須為年齡介乎 3 至17 歲未婚且未有工作,或年齡 23 ...

  4. www5.bocgins.com › untrv › indexFlow Illustration

    1. The Journey must be departed from Hong Kong. 2. The Insured Person(s) must be aged between 6 weeks and 80 years. 3. The individual application for insurance is required for persons aged 18 or above. 4. The application must be duly signed by a parent or

  5. Insurance Class: BOC Medical Comprehensive Protection Plan (Series 1) Name and Address of Insured: Date . Policy Number : Agent No. : 2021/09/20 CHAN XXX Period of Insurance: From 25/03/2021 To 24/03/2022 (Both days inclusive and on each following ...

  6. 客戶服務熱線Customer Service Hotline:3187 5100 傳真Fax:3906 9906. HOSPITALISATION & SURGICAL CLAIM FORM 住院及手術索賠申請書住院及手術索賠申請書住院及手術索賠申請書住院及手術索賠申請書. Please complete and sign this claim form and make sure the original copies of invoices and receipts are attached ...

  7. 若中銀集團保險批核同意本計劃的「香港以外留學學生保障(基本保障)」申請,本計劃將按保單的批單內容伸延香港以外留學保障,並提供24小時緊急支援服務及保障,包括緊急護送、治療後之護送服務、親友探病及出院後療養住宿等。