雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. 2018年10月25日 · “Ame-nochi-hareruya” (“After the Rain Comes the Sun“) is this duo’s 39th single, best known as the theme song of NHK’s morning drama series Gochisousan. It’s one of the few positive songs about rain that makes people look forward to the light that comes after bad weather.

  2. 2018年6月5日 · Here are ten ways to enjoy a rainy day in the Land of the Rising Sun—even when there's no sun around! 1. Spas & Hot Springs. https://pixta.jp/. There’s nothing better than a relaxing soak while the sky is rumbling outside. No matter where you are in Japan, there's bound to be an onsen hot spring or sento bathhouse.

  3. 2022年5月30日 · The rainy season is a period of transition from spring to summer in Japan that typically lasts from early June to mid-July for most of the country. The Japanese word for rainy season is tsuyu, literally “plum rain” (梅雨), as it coincides with the season of plums ripening in Japan. What to Expect.

  4. 從東京市區到到元加治車站大約需要1小時又30分鐘的車程。抵達車站後還需要步行約20分鐘,建議有帶小朋友的情況下,或許可以攜帶推車哦。筆者在前往的當天正值假日,意外的人並沒有很多,加上天氣又好當下真的覺得非常幸運,讓人更加期待這個讓大人也瘋狂,如同童話般的森林公園了!

  5. 2020年7月8日 · A post shared by Jek Bacarisas (@jek.575) on Oct 17, 2017 at 2:05am PDT. Kiyomizu-dera is a Buddhist temple in Kyoto, and is one of the UNESCO Historic Monuments of Ancient Kyoto. It was founded in 778, so it's no surprise this monument has a lot of history. Jek.575's photo shows us what it's like on a rainy day and that doesn't deter visitors ...

  6. 周邊亦有「岡山城」和「岡山縣立博物館」等傳統景點,賞楓之餘同時感受岡山的古今魅力,沈浸於絢爛的秋色美景。. 岡山後樂園(後楽園). 賞楓時間:11月中旬~12月上旬. 交通方式:JR「岡山」站搭乘巴士10分鐘至「後樂園前」下車/搭乘路面電車在「城下 ...

  7. 2021年5月19日 · 福井县于日本本州岛靠日本海一侧,属于日本地域中的中部地方。因其地理位置的原因,自古以来这里就是传播来自亚洲大陆文化的重要窗口,也是全日本男女平均寿命最长的县。 通往平泉寺白山神社的参道,长约1km,道路了两旁树龄超过1000年的杉树林立,那种自然带来的庄严和壮观,是这里闻名 ...