The course is designed for those who want to acquire the knowledge of deep learning and build their own AI applications using AI platforms and API. Prerequisites: To get the most out of the course, participants are expected to have some basic knowledge in
Welcome to your online application! This programme aims to provide students with knowledge about Artificial Intelligence and Deep Learning in Quantitative Finance as well as their latest developments and applications to finance and investment.
The Master of Science in Artificial Intelligence [MSc(AI)] programme provides students with foundational principles and knowledge in AI, and develops their practical skills and capabilities in applying AI to solve real world problems with ethical awareness.
Through courses and practicum training, students will gain a comprehensive understanding of the fundamental principles and concepts of AI, enabling them to design, deploy, evaluate, and manage AI systems while upholding ethical and legal standards.
按香港大學體制,經香港大學專業進修學院頒授「人工智能與機械人(高中應用學習)證書(資歷架構第3級)」予成功畢業的同學(出席率達80%或以上及於評核課業中取得合格成績)。 視乎報讀人數提供粵語及/或英語授課. 逢星期六上午及/或下午上課,或全日上課,每課3小時,於香港大學專業進修學院教學中心上課,部份課堂亦會安排於暑假進行。 由學校及香港大學專業進修學院安排,可選擇於平日及/或週六上課,視乎有關設施及器材需要,部份課堂會於香港大學專業進修學院教學中心上課,部份課堂亦會安排於暑假進行。 申請人必須為中三或中四學生。 中三學生可以提前申請,但在應用學習課程開課時, 他們必須是中四學生。 而中四學 生可以選擇在中四或中五時學習該課程。
The certificate in Artificial Intelligence Technologist covers fundamentals of AI and Deep Learning, identifying model types, selecting suitable algorithms for problem-solving, and implementing AI/Deep Learning projects. On completion of the module, learners are
Students would learn how to control a robot to recognise objects, navigate around and avoid collision with objects by using computer vision programming. After completing this programme, students can pursue further study or professional training in the advanced area of AI and robotics vision.
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Participants will experience the exciting development process of using various AI models/platforms/tools and API to build your own AI applications. The most exciting p[art is to learn from more than 20 hands-on lab practices like Image classification, Lyric generation, Time-series prediction, Video object detection and so on.
With the support of a pool of top-tier AI talent and sophisticated scientific research facilities, our programme – Artificial Intelligence: Systems & Technologies (AIST) – aims to equip students with the capability to design and implement AI systems and