雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. 特點: 99.999%效能 (小至0.003微米有害微粒) >99%除甲醛率. >99%除TVOC率. >99%殺菌率. 99.99%除PM2.5率. 美國專利「光觸媒+UVC」組件,殺菌同時有效分解有害氣體. 高溫保護裝置. 自動延長淨化功能. 低電壓保護設計. 附送汽車專用配件. 12V汽車煙頭充電器 . 座椅背帶. 產品認證: 美國FDA註冊醫療設備.

  2. The Airgle Clean Room (AG900) air purifier is specifically engineered for airborne infection control at hospitals, medical clinics, and other health care facilities. Those who suffer from severe allergies, asthma and critical respiratory problems will experience acute relief after use.

  3. Airgle AG900擁有H14醫療級cHEPA淨化及美國專利UV殺菌技術,配備最強淨化配件,為Airgle旗艦型號,能徹底去除PM2.5、粉塵、煙霧、異味、甲醛、花粉、塵蟎、霉菌孢子、動物皮屑、細菌及病毒等多種污染物,專利Titanium Pro光觸媒UV殺菌組件能更強而

  4. Buy now. Warranty. Learn more. Find a Retailer. Learn more. How to Operate. Learn more. News. Learn more. Airgle於1999年成立於美國紐約市,一直專注於空氣淨化設計、研發和生產。 多年來Airgle研發團隊以務實和求進的態度,為淨化技術帶來變革升級,產品獲政府、醫院、學校、商業機構及家居等廣泛採購及使用。 Airgle不斷開發及改進核心技術,創造新一代的空氣淨化設備,引領全球淨化機研發朝向安全、靜音、高效的方向發展。

  5. 你可在Airgle官方網店購買到所有產品,我們的送貨服務覆蓋香港及澳門大部份地區,最快2 個工作天內送貨到府上。 top of page 產品 AG25 空氣清新機 AG300 空氣清新機 AG600 - AG900 空氣清新機 AG2000 管道式新風空氣清新機 AM120 口罩 過濾技術 ...

  6. Airgle air purifier is equipped with medical-grade HEPA filter, which effectively blocks particles, bacteria, and viruses in the air. Protecting the health of loved ones. Remove formaldehyde and harmful gases. The biggest strength of Airgle is removing harmful gases such as formaldehyde and VOCs.

  7. Severe allergy and asthma sufferers, and those with other critical respiratory problems, will find the AG900 perfect for their needs. It features a 5.5m2 cHEPA filter with an efficiency of over 99.996%, 2.6kg of premium deep carbon blend, and our next-generation Titanium Pro module.

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