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  1. Citi私人貸款 應付人生每種需要,讓您處之「貸」然 體驗更好的借貸服務,讓您專注對您更重要的事。(按此了解私人貸款產品資料概要)可選擇將部份或整張月結單作分期攤還 於Citi Mobile ® App成功申請有機會獲得高達HK$15,000購物禮券

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  3. Portfolio Finance allows you to meet your general liquidity needs and enhance your investing power by providing you with additional capital to seize investment opportunities as they happen. Borrow against a broad range of collaterals 3. Get additional capital of up to 90% of your initial investment holdings with us.

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  5. Cardholders may redeem up to Eligible Transaction amount in full with Points or available Points at Eligible Card account (whichever is lower). Cardholders must redeem a minimum amount, which is subject to the minimum required Points shown in the Citi Pay with Points page under Zurich’s Online Platform for each redemption.

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  7. Reminder. Live Smart is currently only available in Chinese. Would you like to continue? I'm interested.

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