雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. a fixed amount of money paid to someone every year, usually until their death, or the insurance agreement or investment that provides the money that is paid. (通常指一直付到某人死亡的)年金;年金保險;年金保險投資. an annuity policy 年金保險單. annuity income 年金收入. She receives a small annuity. 她每年得到一筆微薄的年金。 (annuity在劍橋英語-中文(繁體)詞典的翻譯 © Cambridge University Press) annuity的 例句.

  2. 計劃一覽. 保險公司. 香港年金有限公司 (香港年金公司) 由外匯基金全資擁有 1. 申請資格. 60歲或以上香港永久性居民. 保費繳付. 整付保費. 保費金額. 50,000 - 5,000,000 港元 2. 保障年期及年金入息期. 終身. 身故賠償. 每月收取直至保證期結束 / 一筆過收取. 特別款項提取安排. 最高可提取百分百已繳保費的餘額以支付醫療相關開支 3 ,每名受保人的終身總提取上限為1,000,000港元 4. 以 100 萬港元保費計算的保證每月年金金額. $5,100. 6.1% 年金派發率6. 投保年齡(歲)5. 60. 65. 70. $4,700. 5.6% 年金派發率6. 立即計一計自己每月有幾多年金收入. 迷思一.

  3. a fixed amount of money paid to someone every year, usually until their death, or the insurance agreement or investment that provides the money that is paid. (通常指一直付到某人死亡的)年金;年金保险;年金保险投资. an annuity policy 年金保险单. annuity income 年金收入. She receives a small annuity. 她每年得到一笔微薄的年金。 (annuity在剑桥英语-中文(简体)词典的翻译 © Cambridge University Press) annuity的 例句.

  4. 產品概覽. 中銀人壽延期年金計劃終身) 合資格延期年金保單. 由受保人60歲起終身派發每月保證年金入息,樂享退休生活. 兼享潛在回報,為您的財富增值. 不同保費繳費年期及多種保單貨幣選擇. 簡易投保,毋須體檢. 可選額外保障… 中銀人壽延期年金計劃固定年期)(手機銀行投保) 每月派發保證年金入息. 5年保費,10年每月100%全保證年金入息. 期滿後年度化保證內部回報率:全保證1.73% - 3.30% 月繳保費低至港元 3,500. 多種保單貨幣選擇:美元 | 港元 |… 中銀人壽延期年金計劃(固定年期) 合資格延期年金保單. 只需5年保費,安享10年每月保證年金入息. 可選15、20、25 或 30年保單年期,迎合您的需要. 保單貨幣選擇多,切合您財務需要. 簡易投保,毋須體檢.

  5. www.hkmca.hk › engHKMC Annuity

    Schedule now to learn the latest offers. HKMC Annuity Plan provides retirees aged 60 or above a lifelong, stable and guaranteed monthly income stream to sustain a splendid retirement life.

  6. annuity中文,annuity的意思,annuity翻譯及用法 - 英漢詞典. 英 [əˈnju:əti] 美 [əˈnuəti] n. 年金,養老金;年金保險;年金享受權. 英語釋義. income from capital investment paid in a series of regular payments; "his retirement fund was set up to be paid as an annuity " 片語. Perpetual Annuity [勞經] 永續年金. annuity insurance 年金保險. annuity due 即付年金,期初年金.

  7. HKMC Annuity Limited is authorised and regulated by the Insurance Authority to carry on long term insurance business in or from the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region of the People’s Republic of China. The information provided in this website is intended for eligible customers only.