雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. Experience the world’s largest Snoopy figure and Yoshiteru Otani’s Snoopy calligraphy at Harbour City “Dare to Dream” Snoopy Art & Life Exhibition this summer 2014.

  2. 香港麥當勞推出2013 Hello Kitty馬戲團“Circus of Life ”限量收藏 香港港鐵MTR為乘客提供免費Wi-Fi 香港文化博物館 發將於2013年7月20日舉辦“武.藝.人生-李小龍”專題展覽。展覽將為期5年,將持續至2018年7月20日。此次展覽為專題展覽,設有特別展館,將從李 ...

  3. Finishing taking a look at the campus in Open Piazza at Time Square, let's walk into the student dormitory to figure out how Mike and Sully's student life in Monsters University is.

  4. 花墟的檔主有時候會將花一直擺到行人路上。. 花墟的花價不但實惠,一打康乃馨才港幣$ 30左右,而且還新鮮。. 在這裡你還可以看到許多乾花,花瓶,以及其他和園藝有關的商品。. 一到週末,許多香港本地人都會前來花墟逛一逛,或購買或欣賞。. 香港花墟位 ...

  5. Enjoy world's best races and teams at 2023 Hong Kong International Dragon Boat Races at TST East Promenade scheduled on 24th and 25th June.

  6. Ocean Park opens up a new attraction "Old Hong Kong" from where you will find lots of old Hong Kong memories, including old star ferry pier, Classic Rickshaw, the Heritage Tram No.120, old style grand theater and British pillar box.

  7. After 150-year colony life under Britain, Hong Kong becomes a very unique city where Eastern culture meets/combines with Western culture. Come with our walking tour to feel the hustle and bustle of Hong Kong’s open street markets, the tranquil temples, the historical public transportations and the British architectures.