雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. 當然,事過境遷,現在D’Antoni在火箭執教得非常開心,生涯迎來了新的高峰。本季成功改造火箭,聯盟不會再有人對他的執教功力感到質疑了。而現在Anthony則成了要被「趕走」的那個人。

  2. 隨著Anthony因右腳踝扭傷缺席了過去兩場比賽,在對上籃網和灰熊時,Porzingis都遇到了強硬纏人的防守,這讓他很難接到球。 過去兩場輸球,Porzingis總計29投12中,在第四節總共得到2分。 “我必須設法在這樣的情況下得分,”Porzingis說道,“這是一個學習的過程。 我不可能一進入聯盟就知道如何處理身上揹負的巨大壓力。 當我以球員的身份成長時,我需要能夠在各種不同的情況下接到球,確保自己能夠進攻。 ”“我滿場奔跑,對我施加的防守壓力很大,我接不到球。 我必須向Carmelo學習,無論何時我們需要他接到球,他都能夠辦到。 我還有很多東西需要學習。 ”Porzingis說道。

  3. New Cap 4 Costume MarvelA new set video from Captain America: New World Order, shared by Christo45951886, sees Anthony Mackie"s Sam Wilson doing a flip in his new Cap costume. While the production started filming back in March, the brief ...

  4. Ahead of releasing its first Phase 5 series on Disney+, Marvel shared which films fans should watch for their Secret Invasion homework. Set to debut on June 21, Secret Invasion is the MCU"s first-ever crossover on Disney+ starring Samuel L. Jackson"s Nick Fury, Captain Marvel"s Ben Mendelsohn as Talos, Black Panther: Wakanda Forever"s Martin Freeman, and more.

  5. 但這位醫生Anthony Echo卻出奇意料的選擇「把他的手縫進他的肚子裡」,讓大家都嚇了一跳。 Frank的孫女Casey Reyes說:「我爺爺聽力不好,一開始很難跟他解釋這種超像科幻片的治療方法。」 最後他告訴爺爺:「醫生說要把你的手塞進肚子裡,像穿帽T

  6. Anthony Mackie stars in 2025's Captain America: Brave New World as Sam Wilson, the MCU's new Captain America. Marvel Studios introduces heartbreak as Isaiah Bradley's tragic past gets a new chapter in the film. Captain America: Brave New World footage has revealed a dark story for Isaiah Bradley in the movie.

  7. Anthony Mackie gave fans a glimpse at his new Captain America suit in Captain America: Brave New World. Captain America 4 has already begun filming, and set photos have provided fans with new looks at the MCU sequel.