雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. 2017年1月8日 · Prices range from ¥420 (US$3.99) for the tea up to ¥878 for the pineapple juice, and most of the items include a chocolate “pen” and slices of fruit so you can act out the song while eating. http://avex-management.jp/media/detail/161026_3013/

  2. 2016年8月23日 · ¥100 shops are great for solving most day-to-day needs, and are the default go-to for basic stationery in Japan. While there are quite a number of brands out there from Can Do to Seria, Daiso seems to be the chain that's become almost synonymous with the ¥100

  3. 2016年7月18日 · Muji is a popular Japanese lifestyle brand, offering a wide range of goods from furniture to stationery. The brand sets the bar for cool yet functional and affordable stationery, perfect for gifts and personal use. If you're not sure what to set your sights on, here we offer our nine favorite recommendations! 9. Rotating Mechanical Pencil.

  4. HANWAY傘具好似平時購買衣服一般與服飾店同樣開設在百貨商場裡,除了店內陳列的傘具外,HANWAY還能客製化製作出獨一無二專屬於自己的傘具,從材質、骨架、手柄等選擇喜愛的素材,預購後約一個月即可完成,想送出一個最特別的伴手禮非HANWAY莫屬了。. HANWAY ...

  5. 2016年7月11日 · Though professional sumi-e artists are few and far between, it's surprisingly easy to pick up the art as a hobby. You'll just need a few tools! 5. Stencils & Tracing Patterns. Stencils and tracing patterns will go a long way toward getting first-timers started. Start by practicing on simple shapes, like images of bamboo, before moving on to ...

  6. 2016年7月4日 · There should be lots of paper rotation as you go! 3. Solid Black & Hair Shine. Inking solid black in manga is called beta, which indicates a solid area of color, while black broken by white shine in hair is called tsuya-beta, or shiny beta. For solid black, start by outlining the sections to be shaded with a graphic pen.

  7. 食東京. 出國旅遊購滿伴手禮幾乎是大家不能忽略的禮儀之道,但是要買什麼作為伴手禮常常讓大家一個頭兩個大,每每查詢東京伴手禮時卻總是出現東京芭娜娜、小雞蛋糕、kitkat巧克力等,是不是讓你感到一成不變,沒有創新創意感了呢?. 今天就讓特派員來與 ...