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  1. 審計跟蹤audit trail)是系統活動的流水記錄。 該記錄按事件從始至終的途徑,順序檢查、審查和檢驗每個事件的環境及活動。 審計跟蹤通過書面方式提供應負責任人員的活動證據以支持職能的實現。 審計跟蹤記錄系統活動和用戶活動。 系統活動包括操作系統和應用程式進程的活動;用戶活動包括用戶在操作系統中和應用程式中的活動。 通過藉助適當的工具和規程,審計跟蹤可以發現違反安全策略的活動、影響運行效率的問題以及程式中的錯誤。 審計跟蹤可以做為對正常系統操作的一種支持,也可以做為一種保證策略或前兩者兼而有之。 做為保證策略,所維護的審計跟蹤只在需要時使用,比如系統中斷。 做為對操作的支持,審計跟蹤用於幫助系統管理員確保系統及其資源免遭 黑客 、內部使用者或技術故障的傷害。

  2. 2023年5月10日 · An audit trail is a date and time-stamped record of the history and details around a transaction, work event, product development step, control execution, or financial ledger entry. Almost any type of work activity or process can be captured in an audit trail, whether automated or manual.

  3. 审计跟踪(audit trail),是系统活动的流水记录。该记录按事件从始至终的途径,顺序检查审计跟踪记录、审查和检验每个事件的环境及活动。审计跟踪通过书面方式提供应负责任人员的活动证据以支持职能的实现。审计跟踪记录系统活动和用户活动。

  4. 2017年8月30日 · This article will define an audit trail, what should be included, the importance of tracking this information, and how to best manage audit trail data. Then, we’ll demonstrate sample audit trails that you may find in your business systems.

  5. audit trail 在英語中的意思. noun [ C ] uk us. Add to word list. ACCOUNTING. documents and records that show the history of a company's financial activities, examined by someone who is doing an audit (= checking a company's accounts): The audit trail must be supported by sufficient documentation to follow a transaction from beginning to end.

  6. 2022年8月18日 · An audit trail isn’t only used in project management and it serves many industries. Any business with transactions, work processes, accounting and trades can benefit from knowing what an audit trail is, the different types of audit trails and how to do one.

  7. Audit trails (or audit logs) act as record-keepers that document evidence of certain events, procedures or operations, so their purpose is to reduce fraud, material errors, and unauthorized use. Even your grocery store receipt is an example of a logged audit trail. Ultimately, audit trails help enhance internal controls and data security.

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