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  1. 第一步:揀選心水車盤. 透過車行經紀或私人放售,挑選心儀二手車盤。 而經車行/代理放盤的話,一般都會提供保養及售後服務。 第二步:預約睇車及驗車. 鎖定目標後,就可以與賣家聯絡,預約睇車。 睇車時,有兩大注意事項: 一, 細心檢查汽車零件,包括引擎、波箱、車身、車頭、車頂、車尾、車門、頭尾冚及保險桿等等。 二, 留意牌簿資料,檢查出廠年份、首次登記年份、手數等等。 買家亦可委託第三方驗車機構進行詳細驗車,以策萬全。 第三步:支付訂金並簽臨時合約. 支付訂金的先後次序因人而異。 假若賣家同意先驗後買,準買家驗車後亦滿意的話,當然可以馬上成交。 但大多數情況下,賣家都會要求準買家先落訂,才可以進行驗車。

  2. 供車上會實為傳統汽車貸款,主要有兩種:以「汽車貸款(租賃)」或「汽車貸款(租購)」形式計算,整個供車上會過程主要是由車行或汽車代理代辦,並由買家以分期方式償還汽車貸款;至於「租賃」或「租購」分別在於,前者需先繳付「首期」;而後者則 ...

  3. 1.入場費較低. 租客一般只需向業主預繳2個月租金作按金和1個月租金作上期,俗稱「兩按一上」,亦無需承擔房屋各項費用,包括維修費、保養費以及電器安裝費,變相資金儲備不必如買樓的多,入場門檻較低。 2.租期彈性高. 在「死約」過後,一般只需1個月通知即可終止租約,因此租客可按自身經濟狀況、喜好或其他因素移居心儀住所,彈性較買樓高。 3.靈活資產配置. 由於無需一筆過繳交巨額首期,租客故可將資金分散投資在不同產品身上,適合對投資具備心得的人士,靈活運用手頭上的資金。 提防陰濕位! 5大租屋注意事項. 租樓注意事項一:搵樓途徑. 市面上的租盤分為業主盤和代理盤。

  4. The above monthly repayment amount calculation is based on the assumption of annual interest rate of 4.40% - 25.60%. The repayment amount and repayment period shown on the Personal Loan & Interest Calculator are for reference only. The approval of loan is subject to the final and absolute discretion of Promise (Hong Kong) Co., Limited.

  5. where an auto-pay transaction could not be processed due to insufficient funds in the designated payment account with the DDA Bank. The Borrower agrees with the Lender that it must check with the DDA Bank and the Receiving Bank for their fee charging policy to ensure that it is fully aware of fees that it may become liable to pay to the DDA Bank and the Receiving Bank.

  6. The subsidy amount for Continuing Education Fund (CEF) courses has been increased to HK$25,000. You can learn more about the eligibility and process for applying CEF, details of claiming deductions for expenses of self-education, and some popular CEF

  7. Tertiary Student Loan. Whether it is tuition, accommodation, daily study or living expenses, it is easy for students to lose track of their budgets and be in a real trouble. Promise can help! Our Tertiary Student Loan is specially designed for tertiary and university students in Hong Kong. You can easily take out loans at any time and deal with ...

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