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  1. 嚇到賴 :D [size=5]The most terrifying landing ever? Passenger jet is forced to weave between three water spouts as it approaches the runway in Russia[/size=5] [list] •Witnesses in Sochi filmed as the plane weaved its way through water spouts which formed over the Black Sea •The incident happened Tuesday when 12 huge water spouts appeared just off the southwestern Russian coast •At ...

  2. 《非誠勿擾》史上最美空姐「香港美女」吳子恩 台北返港國泰航班爆滿 機長批准坐駕駛艙 一名女子日前在國泰航班爆滿下,獲機師允許坐客機駕駛艙回港。該女子吳子恩本月3日於微博透露,指當日航班爆滿,員工候補位也已經滿座,幸好機長人好,讓她坐駕駛艙回港。

  3. 香港膠登 HKGalden - 自由‧討論區 要填 Form,其中一欄要填 Nationality,應該填咩好?跟 HKSAR Passport 定點

  4. 2021年7月31日 · 香港膠登 HKGalden - 自由‧討論區 本貼文共有 0 個回覆

  5. 勿通膠類1. 好勁呀. Luke Aikins can be seen in white and green as he jumped out of the plane as part of 'Stride Gum Presets Heaven Sent' in Simi Valley, California. He was assisted by three other skydivers for part of the jump. For the first 10,000 feet of the fall Aikins used an oxygen tank - one of the three other skydivers who jumped ...

  6. 究竟係因為仇口多怕人尋仇,定係霸氣嘅國力表現??車隊入面除咗The Beast外,仲有好多唔同功能嘅車例如流動軍火車 每次佢出訪前,都要靠空軍將批車預先運到目的地 英國 日本 馬來西亞 睇下馬來西亞人見到車隊有咩反應!

  7. 國泰航空開咗咁耐,未試過有樂手投訴運樂器有事,香港航空呢間中國海南航空旗下公司,就有樂手手製結他斷頸事件。香港航空呢間公司不知文化為何物,係最大問題,唔該呢間航空公司改名,咪映衰香港人。 喺台灣,本身有搞管弦樂團嘅航空公司,例如長榮航空,係唔會犯呢類低級錯誤。

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