雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. 住宅物業估價. 網上物業估價服務之條款及細則. 1) 網上物業估價以交吉物業作依據。. 該估價只供參考,不能作最終決定。. 2) 本網頁所提供的物業估價資料只供參考,本行並不保證任何資料的準確性、及時性或完整性。. 本行保留對有關物業重新估價之唯一及 ...

  2. Residential Property Valuation. Terms and conditions for online property valuation. 1) The online property valuation is made on a vacant possession basis. The indicative property valuation on this website is intended to be used for reference only and shall not be treated as conclusive. 2) Any information regarding the property valuation ...

  3. Mortgage Loans. The Bank of East Asia, Limited (BEA) will only proceed with a mortgage application referred by a third party designated by BEA, and the designated third party should not charge any fees from the applicant for mortgage application referral. For enquiries, please contact our mortgage hotline at 3608 8686.

  4. 住宅物业估价. 网上物业估价服务之条款及细则. 1) 网上物业估价以交吉物业作依据。. 该估价只供参考,不能作最终决定。. 2) 本网页所提供的物业估价资料只供参考,本行并不保证任何资料的准确性、及时性或完整性。. 本行保留对有关物业重新估价之唯一及 ...

  5. Property Valuation - Hong Kong. Please enter the property information: Region: Please Select Hong Kong Islands Kowloon New Territories. District: Please Select. Building: Please Select. Development & Phase:

  6. 物業估值 - 香港

  7. 免費物業估價. 經此渠道提供的服務之相關條款及細則僅以電子形式提供,如有查詢請聯絡在線客服。. 即時物業估值之條款及細則. 個人資料只供本行作以下或相關用途考慮是否同意申請人使用即時物業估價服務對申請人提供或介紹本行的金融或相關服務 ...