雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. BARRIER ® Medical face masks are designed to reduce transfer of bacteria and particles from medical personnel to the patient, reducing the risk of infection 1 . Our BARRIER face masks have a high level of bacterial filtration efficiency that reduces the spread of bacteria to the air in the operating theatre.

    • 消委會高分保濕面膜:Mandom Barrier Repair 三重補濕彈力面膜(極潤)$59.9/5pcs。消委會曾檢測市面40款保濕面膜,發現保濕效果參差,而價格貴的面膜又未必比平價好,更發現半數面膜含有致敏物。
    • 消委會高分補濕面膜:Leaders高效補濕修復面膜 Aquaringer Skin Clnic Mask $180/10pcs。Leaders高效補濕修復面膜是一款韓國面膜,同樣在消委會測試中獲得最高分,產品配方採用純淨的阿爾卑斯冰河水,為肌膚恢復油脂與水分平衡,當中的Adenosine成分更有效改善皺紋及恢復肌膚彈性,不含防腐劑,並通過皮膚測試。
    • 開架鎮靜補濕面膜:Dr Plant 積雪草鎮靜肌膚面膜 $88/7pcs。Dr Plant植物醫生專為敏感肌研發的積雪草鎮靜肌膚面膜於日本製造,醫藥級抗敏配方溫和不刺激,絕無添加酒精、礦物油、螢光劑等危害肌膚的物質,孕婦亦可安心選用。
    • 排毒抗菌面膜:Akarii 秘魯聖木鎮靜水凝凍膜 $340 (一盒八包)Akarii 是全新的香港身心靈品牌,品牌希望把歐美於後疫情年代興起的「正念護膚及健康」概念引入香港,產品主要以高能量的秘魯聖木製作,其舒泰沉穩的香氣能安撫疲憊的肌膚與情緒。
  2. Barrier Repair保濕潤肌面膜10片;Price:$49.90;蘊含透明質酸:強效保濕成分,保水力卓越顯著,滋潤柔滑肌膚。 水凝啫喱質感的美容液,令面膜更貼面,美容液不易蒸發,有效鎖留肌膚水分,持久滋潤保濕,彷如嬰兒肌膚般觸感細膩。

  3. The multi-layered mask structure contains 27ml essence. Not easy to drip. Series Features: High-penetrating nano Hyaluronic Acid: Molecular size is 1/100 of normal-sized Hyaluronic Acid leading to high hydrating power and excellent water retention effect, resulting in smooth and moisterized skin.

  4. Description. BARRIER REPAIR FACIAL MASK ENRICH N. Place of Origin. Japan. Benefit. 3-D cut suited to women’s facial form; does not fall off even when you face downwards; fluffy and soft, close-fitting sheet. Product Usage. After cleansing, place the mask over face for about 5-10 minutes (about 15-20 minutes for dry skin) and then remove.

    • Barrier Repair
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  6. 3M™ Filtron™ Surgical Mask, Off-The-Face/Anti-Fog Style 1838R. 3M Stock. 70200746231. 3M™ High Fluid Resistant Surgical Mask with Face Shield 1835FS.

  7. Barrier Repair Facial Mask Collagen 10pcs;Price:$49.90;Contains hyaluronic acid: powerful moisturizing ingredients, excellent water retention capacity, moisturizing and smoothing skin. The beauty lotion with a hydro.

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