雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. Cookies政策. 為讓閣下有更好的網上體驗,閣下瀏覽邦民網站(下稱「網站」)時之紀錄將用作統計分析及診斷網站出現的問題,以改善網站之穩定性。. 閣下訪問網站時,網站透過cookies收集上述若干資訊以及若干關於閣下、閣下使用的瀏覽器、裝置及喜好等 ...

  2. 設立銀行直接付款授權聲明及條款 本聲明管轄客戶及邦民日本財務(香港)有限公司(「邦民」)就使用邦民語音電話系統或指定途徑設立銀行直接付款授權聲明(「服務」)。借款人一經要求或使用或試圖使用服務,即視為已接受聲明及條款。

  3. A larger amount of funds may be required at the beginning stage as most of the franchising have a fixed guidelines on shop decoration, tools and operations, which may not be suitable for people with limited budget and expecting for a higher flexibility.

  4. 再決定向客戶批出的金額。以邦民為例,借貸人的居住、工作以及財務狀況等都會 納入考量,並經電腦評分系統評估後批出貸款額。 適量的借貸可以幫您更輕易達到財務目標或紓緩財務拮据情況。邦民私人貸款設有網上平台可以24小時申請借貸 ...

  5. 其實,私人貸款產品雖然能助您即時達成財務目標,但同時亦會影響您未來的財務計劃,所以在判斷「私人貸款邊間好」前,應該將以下因素納入考慮,以選出最合符自己個人需要的私人貸款方案。. 1. 還款期. 還款期直接影響每月的供款金額。. 還款期愈長 ...

  6. Overview of Loan Product Information: The minimum and maximum repayment period is 3 months and 84 months respectively. According to the Money Lenders Ordinance, the maximum annual percentage rate is 48%. All examples and information of interest rate ...

  7. For those situations where you are temporarily in need of cash, Promise provides an Emergency Loan which can easily solve all your financial troubles. You can get a fixed short-term loan of $2,000 through a simple and quick application, approval and loan agreement signing procedure online without showing up. With a fixed repayment period of 4 ...

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