雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. BIOZONE AC-30. BIOZONE 專利光等離子技術,可主動捕捉各種空氣污染物,並通過一系列反應迅速破壞其結構,並將污染物分解為水及二氧化碳等無害物。 ‧ 可對抗H5N1. ‧ 消除空氣懸浮粒子及微生物. ‧ 分解揮發性有機化合物及其他有機化合物. ‧ 清除危險化學氣體. ‧ 減低難聞氣味. 適用範圍:1,000尺空間. 交通工具,小型垃圾場,洗手間,商場,健身中心. 透過我們的專業應用於不同範疇,環顧周邊所需,針對不同地方及需求提供相對應的產品以提升環境衛生,務求與客戶一起達致理想的衛生環境及企業形象。

  2. Unit 1101, 11/F., Tins Enterprises Centre 777 Lai Chi Kok Road, Kowloon, H.K. Tel : +852 2372 0218 Fax : +852 2372 0970 Email : infoapac@bsg-uv.com AirCare Series is usually used for the air purification in washroom area. It can improve air quality significantly ...

  3. 产品代号: BIOZONE_AC-30. BIOZONE AC-30. BIOZONE 专利光等离子技术,可主动捕捉各种空气污染物,并通过一系列反应迅速破坏其结构,并将污染物分解为水及二氧化碳等无害物。 ‧ 可对抗H5N1. ‧ 消除空气悬浮粒子及微生物. ‧ 分解挥发性有机化合物及其他有机化合物. ‧ 清除危险化学气体. ‧ 减低难闻气味. 适用范围:1,000尺空间. 交通工具,小型垃圾场,洗手间,商场,健身中心. 透过我们的专业应用于不同范畴,环顾周边所需,针对不同地方及需求提供相对应的产品以提升环境卫生,务求与客户 一起达致理想的卫生环境及企业形象。

  4. Biozone AC-30. PhotoPlasma™ can actively capture various air contaminants, and rapidly destroy their structures through a chain of reactions. In this way the contaminants are decomposed and converted into harmless end-products like carbon dioxide and water. ‧ Fight Against influenza A. ‧ Eliminates airborne and surface microorganisms.

  5. BIOZONE Scientific International Inc. 陽光環科國際有限公司 - 從事空氣淨化設計及生產。 總公司 設於芬蘭的赫爾辛基,并設有辦事處在美國的奧蘭多、佛羅里達、英國及中國之香港和深圳,經銷商網絡更 是遍布世界各地。 BIOZONE ...

  6. APEX NOBLE EQUIPMENT LTD. 雅麗盈設備有限公司. 排序: 默認 | 熱賣 | 最高價格 | 最低價格. BioZone AC-30. HK$ 5600. BioZone AC-10. HK$ 4600. 顯示 1 - 2 紀錄,共 2 項.

  7. 比較超過1 BioZone空氣清新機 的價格,查看詳細規格、用家意見、相關情報及二手買賣,安心訂購產品享折扣優惠及購物保障.

  8. BioZone AC05 BioZone AC10 BioZone AC20 BioZone AC30 BIOZONE AC OWNER’S MANUAL ENGLISH General When correctly installed and properly used, BioZone AC enables an odour-free, hygienic and altogether pleasant environment. • BioZone AC does ...

  9. Unit 1101, 11/F., Tins Enterprises Centre 777 Lai Chi Kok Road, Kowloon, H.K. Tel : +852 2372 0218 Fax : +852 2372 0970 Email : infoapac@bsg-uv.com BioZone ® InDuct (ID) Series and InDuct-X (ID-X) has been specially designed for HVAC system and Exhaust Emission system, they can be used as a standalone unit or joined with other ID-X or ID devices for custom made solutions to suit different ...

  10. Unit 1101, 11/F., Tins Enterprises Centre 777 Lai Chi Kok Road, Kowloon, H.K. Tel : +852 2372 0218 Fax : +852 2372 0970 Email : infoapac@bsg-uv.com Odour & Grease Treatment Management Specially designed BioZone ® OGR ® system for commercial kitchen exhaust system to treat cooking emission, to efficiently decompose oil and grease and other chemical contaminants, as well as unpleasant odours ...