雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. 2023年10月6日 · 體驗東京經典情境. 澀谷行人自由通行十字路口是東京的代表地標,在此可看到上千人同時穿越馬路的壯觀景象。. 來自四面八方的人流互相交錯,行人卻不會彼此相撞,在人海中穿梭自如,. 請您務必也親身體驗看看。. 試著從澀谷車站穿過馬路,前往擁有數百 ...

  2. 2024年2月13日 · 填海造陸的豐洲是知名築地魚市場於2018年搬遷的地點,而「豐洲 千客萬來」於2024年2月1日在其附近正式開幕營業。這座新設施以江戶時代為主題,特色為使用東京多摩地區木材搭建的木造建築,以及淡路島的燻瓦。設施進駐了運用豐洲新鮮漁獲及食材的各色餐廳、販賣店,以及24小時營業的水療 ...

  3. 2023年12月7日 · 皮藝職人. 大石先生在高中畢業後從北海道搬到東京,並在服裝設計學校學習衣服與皮包等物品的製作方式。. 他深受不為流行左右的皮革吸引,大約從10年前開始在淺草橋的「Takara Sangyo」販售皮件並舉辦皮藝教室。. 下町淺草橋原本是皮包與袋子的批發街區 ...

  4. 2023年9月19日 · 從流傳至今的傳統祭典到藝術、文化及當季美食相關活動,10月的東京有琳瑯滿目的活動供遊客體驗。 如果您是日本人氣宵夜——拉麵的粉絲,10月正是最佳時節,您可以前往舉辦到11月中旬的「東京拉麵秀」,品嚐日本各地的拉麵,細細體會其持續進化的湯頭風味。 而「東京大茶會」則是一項古雅 ...

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    • Paying with The Yen
    • Exchanging Money
    • Withdrawing Money

    As you probably know, Japan's currency is the yen. Here's some useful info for getting and using yen during your time in Tokyo! The yen comes in the following denominations: Coin: 1, 5, 10, 50, 100, 500 Paper: 1,000, 2,000, 5,000, 10,000 (You can get a look at the currency on the Bank of Japan's official website.) Exchange rates are always in flux,...

    Tokyo is still a relatively cash-based city. Plenty of places accept credit cards, but do not expect that everyone will. It's not uncommon for Tokyoites to carry 30,000 to 50,000 yen in their wallets on a day-to-day basis, and before you leave for Japan, it would be a good idea to get around that much yen from your local bank, or more if you're tra...

    If you want to withdraw money from your own account in yen, many international banks have at least one Tokyo branch, so check beforehand if yours does. Most major Japanese banks now accept international cards at their ATMs, as do the Japan Post Bank ATMs found in post offices. Some banks with multiple international ATMs are: 1. Japan Post Bank 2. M...

  5. 2023年10月19日 · DREAM YOSACOY祭. 11月上旬舉辦的舞蹈節「 DREAM YOSACOY祭 」堪稱東京一大盛事。. 任何國籍、年齡、性別的舞蹈團隊都可以報名參加。. 屆時多達數千組個性十足的舞蹈團隊將在東京都內的多處會場上演熱舞。. 不僅可以欣賞舞者們的精彩舞姿,還可以感受熱情的活動 ...

  6. 2023年10月6日 · An iconic landmark in Tokyo, head to Shibuya Scramble Crossing to see upwards of 1,000 people crossing the multi-cornered intersection at a time. Despite converging in mass from all directions, pedestrians skilfully manage to avoid colliding with one another. Throw yourself into the action, starting from the Shibuya Station end and heading ...

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