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  1. 2024年8月8日 · 推薦9月的東京嗎?. 這時的東京正值由夏轉秋的時期,不僅有煙火大會等夏日活動,還有能享受秋季植物與美食的祭典等,夏秋兩季的樂趣都能一次體會到。.

  2. 2024年9月10日 · 10月東京的觀光景點與活動推薦. Updated: September 10, 2024. 推薦10月的東京嗎? 10月正是最適合造訪東京的季節。 每年10月除了有各式各樣的食品展、寺廟祭典、文化祭、美術活動、影展及書展之外,還有熱鬧的萬聖節,可以感受風情萬千的東京魅力。 尤其秋天的紅葉景緻更是美不勝收。 10月不妨走一趟東京西部的山林地帶,親自體驗金黃色及豔紅色的繽紛色彩饗宴。 10月的東京天氣如何? 白天的平均氣溫為18.9度。 最高氣溫為23.7度,最低氣溫則為14.7度,到了10月中下旬天氣會逐漸變冷。 有時也會有降雨與颱風,建議事先規劃好雨天備案。 由於10月的天氣普遍濕度較低,因此最適合觀光及戶外活動。 不過入夜後偏涼,最好隨身攜帶薄外套。

  3. 2023年10月19日 · 推薦11月的東京嗎?. 整個秋季都是造訪東京的好時節,但是若要欣賞濃烈似火的楓葉,11月絕對是最佳時期。. 尤其是明治神宮外苑的美麗銀杏樹和新宿御苑菊花壇展的花卉在此時最為美不勝收。. 除了這些自然的觀光景點,11月還有淺草「酉市」等豐富多彩的 ...

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  4. 王子狐狸遊行. 日本的著名浮世繪畫師歌川廣重曾經在版畫中描繪了除夕夜狐狸身著盛裝,聚集在朴樹下列隊前往 王子稻荷神社 參拜的場景。 每一年除夕夜,王子的居民都會再現這一古老傳說,裝扮成狐狸的樣子,提著狐火燈籠,從裝束稻荷到王子稻荷神社伴隨著幼狐伴奏莊嚴前往神社參拜。 世田谷舊貨市集. 世田谷的舊貨市集 始於1578年,是一處歷史悠久的市集。 當時主要出售舊衣,但目前已經擁有古董、衣物、食品等許多攤販,並被指定為東京都無形民俗文化財。 ©SETAGAYA. 淺草寺歲之市(毽子板市集) 毽子板指的是一種類似羽毛球的傳統遊戲中所使用的長方形木製球拍,後來被人們視為可以「反彈邪氣」的吉祥物,並於19世紀起作為新年護身符廣為銷售。 僅在此期間於「毽子板保存會」可購買到新年的「有卦干支毽子板」。

    • Tickets
    • Opening Hours
    • Access
    • What's Special About Shibuya Sky
    • Shibuya Sky vs Tokyo Skytree Or Tokyo Tower
    • Tips For Visiting Shibuya Sky

    Purchase Book online

    Tickets can be purchased through Shibuya Sky's official website. Buying a ticket online in advance is up to 300 yen cheaper than at the counter. Adults: 2,200 yen Middle & high school students: 1,700 yen Elementary school students: 1,000 yen Children (3 to 5-year-old): 600 yen

    Purchase at the counter

    Same-day tickets can be purchased at the counter on the 14th floor. However, it's possible that tickets will be sold out for the day if they were sold out online. Adults: 2,500 yen Middle & high school students: 2,000 yen Elementary school students: 1,200 yen Children (3 to 5-year-old): 700 yen ©Shibuya Scramble Square

    Open 10:00 a.m. to 10:30 p.m. (last admission is 9:20 p.m.) Shibuya Sky closes on New Year's Day, and it may temporarily close or have reduced hours on other days. The deck may close due to adverse weather conditions. Please check the official website for more info.

    By train

    Shibuya Sky is directly connected to Shibuya Station. The Toyoko Line, Den-en-toshi Line, Fukutoshin Line, and Hanzomon Line have exits which take you to the B2 floor of Shibuya Scramble Square, the building where Shibuya Sky is. The JR lines, Inokashira Line, and Ginza Line connect to the first floor or third floor of Shibuya Scramble Square.

    By car

    Shibuya Scramble Square doesn't have its own parking lot or bicycle parking area. Nearby facilities have partnered with Shibuya Sky to make their parking lots available to visitors. Cyclists can use one of the bicycle parking areas around Shibuya Station.

    Shibuya Sky is a 229 meter (751 feet) tall observation deck located on the 47th floor (top floor) of Shibuya Scramble Square Tower. The open-air deck offers a 360-degree panoramic view of Tokyo. You can look down on the famous Shibuya Scramble Crossing, or gaze out at Tokyo Skytree and Mt. Fuji in the distance. The elevator ride from the 14th floor...

    Shibuya Sky, Tokyo Skytree and Tokyo Tower are not the same. Shibuya Sky is next to Shibuya Station. From the platform, you can look down on the famous Shibuya Scramble Crossing and Shibuya Center-Gai street. You can also see Tokyo Skytree and Tokyo Tower. The observation deck is on the rooftop, so you can feel outside air. Tokyo Tower is near Toky...

    The best time to go to Shibuya Sky? Just before sunset.

    The best time to book is probably 30 minutes before sunset. However, since it is usually a popular time, make sure to leave some extra time for the queue. Sunset in Tokyo occurs at different times throughout the year. It varies from around 4:30 p.m. in early December to around 7:00 p.m. in late June and early July. ©Shibuya Scramble Square

    Be careful about the opening hours

    Shibuya Sky opens at 10:00 a.m. and closes at 10:30 p.m. You can enter as late as 9:20 p.m. After that, you will not be allowed to enter. There is no time limit, you can stay as long as you like. People usually spend 90 minutes at Shibuya Sky.

    Read the rules before your go

    For safety reasons, you cannot bring travel luggage, food, drink, or animals onto the deck. Loose hats, earphones, tripods, and selfie sticks are also prohibited. You can bring your phone, glasses, and cameras that have a strap or can fit into your pocket to the deck. This means you will need to store any other belongings in the locker on the 46th floor. If you have a larger luggage, you will need to store it in the locker near Shibuya Station.

  5. 2023年12月18日 · 1月東京的觀光景點與活動推薦. Updated: December 18, 2023. 推薦1月的東京嗎? 1月來東京推薦您可以趁折扣季挖寶,或參加新年舉辦的傳統祭典及特別活動。 1月的東京天氣如何? 白天平均氣溫約5.4度,晚間可能會降至1.2度,尤其1月中旬到下旬特別寒冷,出門請穿好禦寒衣物。 1月平均降雨量只有60毫米,幾乎不會下雪。 1天的日照時間約為6小時。 1月的人氣活動與祭典. 新年參拜. 為了迎接新的一年,大多數日本人會選在12月31日深夜至1月3日之間參拜神社寺廟。 其中, 明治神宮 與 淺草寺 是東京屈指可數的新年參拜地點。 除此之外,新年倒數活動也很受歡迎。 新年特賣. 在東京1月折扣季,或許能挖到超乎想像的便宜好貨。

  6. An iconic landmark in Tokyo, head to Shibuya Scramble Crossing to see upwards of 1,000 people crossing the multi-cornered intersection at a time. Despite converging in mass from all directions, pedestrians skilfully manage to avoid colliding with one another.

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