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  1. 5 天前 · 比特幣甫於 4 月 20 日完成第四次減半所謂的減半Halving為管控比特幣供給的重要關鍵富達國際數位資產投資副總監黎樂知表示過去三次減半使比特幣價格大幅上漲儘管過往表現不代表將來但多次重演的歷史軌跡值得投資人密切關注。 比特幣始於 2008 年問世的比特幣白皮書,當中闡述去中心化加密貨幣及相應支付系統概念,透過融合博弈論、加密演算法及點對點網路系統,安全驗證加密貨幣交易記錄,以降低對主管機關的依賴。 比特幣經歷十多年考驗,其韌性及增長潛力得到全球投資人認同,價格在 2024 年 3 月再創歷史新高。 比特幣強勁的表現觸發今年 4 月再次減半機制,不少投資人開始關注每隔四年的減半事件,對比特幣投資市場有何意義。 何謂比特幣減半機制?

  2. 4 天前 · What is a Bitcoin block halving event? Block halving events happen every 4 years or 210,000 blocks on Bitcoin blockchain. Bitcoin's initial block reward was 50 BTC. The current block reward is 6.25 BTC, the next block reward will be 3.125 BTC. This lowers the rate at which Bitcoins are generated.

  3. 17 小時前 · Bitcoin halving is an event that essentially halves the rate at which there’s new creation of Bitcoins. It occurs once every 210,000 blocks, or approximately every four years, as part of Bitcoin’s decentralized monetary policy. Initially, when Bitcoin was first created, miners received 50 Bitcoins as a reward for mining a block.

  4. 1 天前 · Bitcoin ‘Perfectly’ Repeats History, Analysts Signal Bullish Momentum. Bitcoin's current trajectory resembles post-2016 halving, suggesting possible bottom & future gains, per analysts comparing Bitcoin halving history. Bitcoin’s current price trajectory is displaying similarities to its behavior following the 2016 halving event.

  5. coinmetrics.substack.com › p › state-of-the-network-issue-259Bitcoin's Halving Aftermath

    17 小時前 · Notably, pre-Halving issuance of ~$55M closely aligns with Bitcoin’s 1% ask liquidity, underscoring the market’s ability to absorb miner sell-offs. With a reduced issuance of ~$26M, Bitcoin’s sell-side liquidity remains robust, suggesting the market can comfortably absorb additional sell pressure from miners without significantly impacting BTC price.

  6. 2024年5月7日 · By limiting the supply of BTC to a maximum of 21 million, Bitcoin can function similarly to precious metals like gold, where scarcity contributes to value. As such, the halving process is an essential component of the Bitcoin ecosystem and is closely monitored by investors, miners, and other stakeholders.

  7. 17 小時前 · He noted that Bitcoin miners’ profitability has plummeted to a 3-year low. “Bitcoin miners are facing significant underpayment due to the recent halving of block subsidies and relatively low transaction fees. This is likely to cause substantial strain, especially for less efficient miners,” he wrote. Sponsored.

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