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  1. 2024年4月19日 · The fourth bitcoin halving occurred on Friday at a little after 8:09 p.m. Eastern, dropping the issuance rate of new bitcoin to 3.125 roughly every ten minutes. Despite the notable event, it's...

    • Kyle Torpey
  2. What is the Bitcoin Halving (Halvening)? New bitcoins are issued by the Bitcoin network every 10 minutes. For the first four years of Bitcoin's existence, the amount of new bitcoins issued every 10 minutes was 50. Every four years, this number is cut in half. The day the amount halves is called a "halving" or "halvening".

  3. 2024年4月19日 · . The Bitcoin Halving explained. 4/19/2024 Estimated date. 00:00:00:00 Halving countdown. days:hrs:min:sec. $62,881 Bitcoin price (in the last hour) What is the Bitcoin halving? Every four years, on the halving day, the amount of new Bitcoins created gets cut in half.

  4. 2024年4月20日 · $64,120.48. Bitcoin Price. Now at. Next Bitcoin Halving. estimated date. April 2028. What Is a Bitcoin Halving Event? A Bitcoin halving event is a pre-programmed reduction in the rewards that miners receive for validating transactions on the Bitcoin network.

  5. 什麼是比特幣減半? 比特幣減半是預定事件,挖掘和驗證新區塊的獎勵減少 50%,礦工的每挖一個區塊僅賺取一半的 BTC 數量。 幣特幣規劃每 210,000 個區塊減半或大約每四年進行一次,持續直到網路產生最大總供應量為 2100 萬 BTC。

  6. For bitcoin new halving occurs after an interval of 210,000 blocks or 4 years. The most recent (2020) halving reduced bitcoin emission from 12.5 bitcoin per block to 6.25 bitcoin per block. This means that instead of 12.5 bitcoins, miners will now be rewarded with 6.25 bitcoins per block mined.

  7. 2023年10月26日 · 什麼是比特幣減半? 比特幣減半也稱為「減半」,是指一個預編碼事件,該事件在比特幣協定中每 210,000 區塊 (大約每四年) 發生一次。 它會減少 礦工 驗證 區塊鏈 交易所獲得的獎勵。 此過程旨在控制新比特幣的發行並維持其稀缺性,從而確保 BTC 的有限供應。 基本上,減半會將提供給礦工的 BTC 獎勵減去一半。 在 2008 年由假名中本聰發佈的原始比特幣白皮書中,指出比特幣供應量上限為 2100 萬。 這個固定供應量機制是為了防止通貨膨脹,並模仿黃金等貴金屬的稀缺性。 透過管制生成新比特幣的速率,該協定旨在創建一種通縮貨幣,具有隨時間保持其價值或升值的潛力。 因此,減半在控制新比特幣引入流通的速率方面發揮關鍵作用,從而隨時間使新代幣的生產減速。

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