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  1. 2024年4月20日 · Published April 19, 2024. Thomas Trutschel / Contributor / Getty Images. Key Takeaways. The fourth bitcoin halving occurred on Friday at a little after 8:09 p.m. Eastern, dropping the...

  2. In the early months of 2024 leading up to the halving event, Bitcoin reached a new all-time high in March 2024. This was likely caused by a double effect of the anticipated halving event and the approval of spot Bitcoin exchange-traded funds (ETFs), which began trading four months earlier.

  3. 2024年4月20日 · In April 2024, it will drop again to around 3.125 — and the process will continue until all 21 million coins have been mined (which estimates say should happen around the year 2140). This process, coded into the Bitcoin protocol by Satoshi Nakamoto, the creator of Bitcoin, is a way to limit the total supply of Bitcoin, increasing its scarcity.

  4. 2024年3月20日 · 考慮到比特幣減半前後歷史表現規律和當前更優的環境,2024 年比特幣價格有望在減半前觸及 6 萬美元,全年範圍在 3.2 萬至 8.5 萬美元之間波動。 本文源自 EarnBIT 的文章《 Bitcoin halving 2024: Ultimate guide 》,由 白話區塊鏈 編譯、整理、撰稿。 (前情提要: 倒數34天! 為何這次比特幣減半對 DeFi 的未來至關重要? (背景補充: Coinbase報告:從供需看本輪比特幣減半後走勢 ) 1、比特幣的減半週期. 2、比特幣 2024 年減半時間是什麼時候? 3、對價格的影響:比特幣減半的背景下. 4、歷史視角:宏觀背景. 比特幣 2024 年減半:從過去的表現中尋找線索. 比特幣減半 2024 年的預測:很快回到 69000 美元?

  5. 2024年4月21日 · Bitcoin Halving Countdown 2024. Stay ahead with our comprehensive impact analysis and expert predictions. Halving happened at block 840000! 840000 Halving Block. 840890 Current Block. ~10 minutes Block Time. USD 64206 Exchange Rate. USD 1.26 B Market Cap. 88.10 T Difficulty. Coins. Bitcoin Halving.

  6. 2024年4月20日 · The most recent bitcoin halving took place on April 19, 2024. At the time, the reward for each block of mined bitcoin was cut in half from 6.25 BTC to 3.125 BTC.

  7. 2024年4月19日 · CMC BITCOIN HALVING 2024. In April 2024 the block reward will be reduced from 6.25 Bitcoin per block to 3.125 Bitcoin per block, as tracked by our countdown clock. The last Bitcoin halving happened on Apr 19 2024, 17:09:27. BITCOIN HALVING EXPLAINED. Learn about the Bitcoin halving cycle, previous dates, and block reward schedule.