雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. 日本雖然是亞洲國家,但聖誕節文化卻早已相當發達了。 儘管如此,由於沒有過濃的宗教背景,聖誕節當天認認真真去教堂聽聖歌禮讚的畢竟還是少數。 更多人或許會選擇在手機裡放幾首以聖誕為主題的日文金曲聽,或者親自約來同學好友,去卡拉OK熱唱一番。 很多日本媒體每年都會提到”日文聖誕歌曲“這一話題,筆者綜合了歌曲的傳唱度,經典度,歌詞和旋律等諸多因素,為大家挑出了6首值得在聖誕期間熱推的日文金曲。 第5位. back number - クリスマスソング. http://v.youku.com/v_show/id_XMTQwMDUwODYyNA==.htm. 作為日劇”朝5晚9“的主題曲,在11月18號,這首歌作為back number的第14張單曲唱片一經發行便備受關注。

  2. 2017年5月19日 · Japan is home to an exhaustive collection of idol groups, ranging from the ever popular AKB48 to the suave five-man vocal unit of Arashi. What isn't all that common in idol groups, though, are non-Japanese performers. But one exception in Japan is Amina du Jean, also known as Aminyan: Japan’s first black idol.

  3. 2016年9月5日 · You can find ¥100 shops all over Japan, and the market is largely dominated by four chains: Daiso, Seria, Can★Do and the lesser-known Watts. But you'd be mistaken if you thought all four of these chains were exactly the same! 1. Daiso. Founded in 1977 in Hiroshima, there are presently some 2,700 Daiso branches across Japan.

  4. 2022年7月25日 · 6. Uiro. Uiro is a steamed cake made from non-glutinous rice, water and sugar. Sweet and chewy, uiro can be made in a variety of colors and flavors, including adzuki, matcha, yuzu citrus, strawberry and chestnut. These delightful sweets are a specialty of Nagoya.

  5. 2018年11月5日 · Some ukiyo-e prints will be the price of a good souvenir, where as some museum-quality prints are pricey enough you might have to file bankruptcy! Address: 101-0051 Tokyo, Chiyoda, Kanda Jinbocho, 1 Chome−10-1 IVYビル 4F Hours of Operation: 10:30 a.m. to 6 p.m. Tuesday through Saturday.

  6. 2016年9月27日 · The eggs, which are said to add seven years to your life just by eating one, are dipped into the volcano's sulfur-laden water, which turns the shells completely black. However, you actually might be surprised how it looks and tastes when it's finished. To find out, watch the video above and be sure to let us know if you'd be willing to give one ...

  7. 2017年4月21日 · Seijin-shiki (Coming of Age Ceremonies) Seijin-shiki (成人式) are ceremonies held every second Monday of January, also know as Seijin no Hi, or Coming of Age Day ( seijin means adult and shiki means ceremony). This occasion is to welcome young adults—who turned 20 between April 2 of the past year and April 1 of the current year—to adulthood.

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