雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. 2020年7月15日 · Japan’s government announced on Tuesday the results of a large-scale antibody test conducted last month. Officials say all eight patients who tested positive for antibodies against the novel coronavirus were immune to infection with the virus.

  2. 2020年8月4日 · 据记载,最初霍乱流行是在1822年,源自印度的霍乱经中国传入日本。. 第2次流行是在1858年,美国轮船密西西比号停靠长崎时,船员登陆后,霍乱便由长崎传入九州,最后一直传播到北海道。. 明治维新之后,也就是日本的近代,最初的一次感染病爆发是明治10年 ...

  3. 2017年1月26日 · 虽然大家对日本药品一直都高度信赖,但面对种类繁多的药品进行挑选时,还是挺困惑的呢。笔者在日本生活了5年多,特别在选药方面有一定的心得,这里就为大家介绍几种在日本深受欢迎的药品,希望大家可以试用下,在来日本逛药妆店时做个参考。

  4. 2019年7月30日 · 5. Coloskin. 这款商品在日本已经畅销了70多年。. 是日本最受欢迎的一款液体创可贴,每个家庭的小药箱里的必备药。. 比起普通创可贴,液体创可贴涂抹后不怕进水,涂抹部位不会因为胶布包扎而发白,透明的膜体紧紧覆盖伤面,使予更全面的保护。. 耐水,不易 ...

  5. 2018年1月29日 · What to Do When You're Sick in Japan. One of our favorite bloggers, Texan in Tokyo, and her husband Ryosuke posted a video about the terrible tragedy many of us fear—or worse still, have actually experienced—of getting sick while in a foreign country. Poor Grace ended up sick for a week with strep throat, and tells us all about her sickness ...

  6. 2020年5月8日 · In order to help mitigate the economic fallout resulting from the pandemic, the Japanese government has announced that every resident in Japan will be eligible to claim the ¥100,000 relief, and that it will not be based on age, nationality, or income. If you are not a Japanese citizen, you must be a resident of Japan.

  7. 2020年6月22日 · NIPPON TV NEWS 24 JAPAN Updated June 22, 2020. Technology Smartphones Stay Home. The Japanese government on Friday launched an app that notifies users when they may have come into contact with someone infected with COVID-19.