雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. Each check-up plan is designed by our professional medical team and reviewed by the Executive Medical Director. "Age Specific Health Check" features check-up plans tailor-made for men and women in their 30s, 40s, and 50s, while "Flexi Plan" allows flexible and personalised choices of health screening items.

  2. 健康網購與超過90間有良好信譽的體檢中心合作,提供多達600+ Body Check Package體檢計劃。體檢項目計劃由$668起,立即查看更多優惠及比較計劃!定期了解自己身體狀況,建議每年進行全面檢查,透過體檢可及早發現身體上的潛在健康問題,於還未出現病徵 ...

  3. Address: 14/F, Entertainment Building, 30 Queen's Road, Central, Hong Kong. Opening Hours: Monday to Friday 08:30 - 13:00, 14:00 - 18:00. Saturday 08:30 - 13:30. Sunday and Public Holiday Closed. Bupa members may enjoy the Comprehensive Health Check-up Plan at member rate. Regular health check-ups help detect potential health issues and promote ...

  4. 健康檢查中心旨在為客人提供各種健康檢查計劃及服務,以作預防、檢查及治療病症。. 服務包括全面的身體健康檢查,血液檢驗,X光檢查,視力檢驗,心臟功能評估,並有註冊營養師作營養諮詢。. 本中心的專科醫生會為檢查結果作詳盡分析及講解報告,並會 ...

  5. HK$ 5,300. HK$5,800. Compare. WishList. Medtimes Women Breast and Pelvis Ultrasound Health Check Plan (Include Thin Prep, Candida Albicans) (26) 39% off. HK$ 2,290. HK$3,760.

  6. Enquiries/Appointment: Online booking: Click HERE. Phone: +852 3153 9000 / +852 3153 9113. WhatsApp: +852 6452 3581 (for WhatsApp only) Email: sochsc@gleneagles.hk. Health Screening Clinic provides various comprehensive health check packages that cover blood test, diagnostic imaging, eye check ups, cardiac assessment etc.

  7. 2023年6月28日 · HK$3,500 – HK$14,900. Package includes: Detailed medical history. Comprehensive body check and health screening. Ophthalmic examination. Cardiopulmonary function tests. Imaging tests. Various laboratory tests including tumor markers, urinalysis, stool tests, Helicobacter pylori test. Sexual health screening.