雅虎香港 搜尋

  1. brilliant cold storage 相關

  2. 食環署認可的冷凍倉庫,7×24保安及溫度監控。 不同大小的獨立冷凍倉庫,可調較至各種溫度。

  3. Integrated Logistics, Wharf Operation ,Warehouse Service and Cold-Chain Logistics. one stop integrative logistics service.


  1. 2017年2月10日 · Get your kitchen in order with five unique products aimed at making food preparation and storage a breeze. Surprise your friends and family with tender steaks, effortless kebabs and completely boneless fish, and then send them home with perfectly sealed to-go packages!

  2. 2018年3月15日 · First, they had many, many belongings. And they weren’t looking for innovative storage solutions where they could tuck it all away. Quite the opposite, in fact. To see how they approached the design process, and the final results, read the full story at Spoon

  3. 2021年3月24日 · Innovative Refrigerators. Modern refrigerators have come a long way from merely keeping food cold or frozen. Some of the new models sold today offer a variety of efficient storage functions that can help reduce food waste. There are many refrigerators, for example, that can keep vegetables fresh for about seven days.

  4. 2024年2月2日 · Crawl-space-type storage: a) two-piece lid, b) sliding storage box, c) shelves, d) access ladder, e) rails for rollers attached to box. In Japan, this type of storage takes advantage of the fact that houses are traditionally built raised a foot or so off the ground; the storage boxes can be simply cast in concrete and water-proofed.

  5. 2023年6月19日 · In Part 1 of this series, we look at useful concepts that underlie space-efficient Japanese home design. These are not intended to give your home a “Japanese” style, though many of the concepts are rooted in tradition. Instead, these concepts are meant to stimulate your thinking about how to make the most of your own living space.

  6. 考慮到日本的物價和亞洲很多城市確實拉開了一定距離,索性我們就拿日本的物價和歐洲名門法國先比比。法國國立統計經濟研究所發布的一項調查稱「東京販售的蘋果大約每公斤573日元,巴黎大約每公斤326日元;桃子大約每公斤804日元,巴黎大約每公斤436日元;葡萄大約每公斤1,340日元,巴黎大約 ...

  7. 藏王山頂處的「禦釜」(亦稱「五色湖」)、藏王樹冰、藏王溫泉、藏王滑雪場是來藏王不能錯過的景點。. 鑽石般的藏王樹冰,它是藏王連峰的特殊氣候條件和特殊植物構築而成、聞名世界的自然藝術品。. 它被稱為「冰雪怪物」,是山形的冬季象徵。. 2月份是 ...

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