雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. I want to consult about medical treatment. Please contact the consultation service of the prefecture in which you are staying as listed in the links. *In times outside of regular opening hours, please contact the Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare COVID-19 Call Center. (0120-565-653)

  2. 医療に関する相談がしたい リンク先に掲載している滞在中の都道府県の相談窓口に連絡してください。 ※開設時間外は厚生労働省新型コロナウイルス感染症相談窓口に連絡ください。(0120-565-653) 医療機関を受診したい 症状に応じて直接医療機関を受診してください。

  3. I worry about the baby. My baby won't stop crying. My baby threw up. My baby has a fever. My baby won't eat. My baby is listless. I am having chest palpitations. My pulse is irregular. I am having irregular bleeding. I have a pain in my abdomen. I have di˜culty

  4. I want to consult about medical treatment. Please contact the consultation service of the prefecture in which you are staying as listed in the links. *In times outside of regular opening hours, please contact the Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare COVID-19 Call Center. (0120-565-653)

  5. fashionez babies Nihon e youkosoO car01199x Why soooo beautiful!!! tanz v Gandae 30,455 likes DAY AGO Log in to like or comment. 7 things that make Okinawa a must- Visit subtropical paradise Author 小松原 早貴 Created Date 20230303025110Z ...